Oct 10, 2023

Let's start with the definitions​

The definitions may not be new and may overlap with other topics. Let's repeat this just in case.

Full Info (also known as fullz) data about a person containing SSN, DOB, First name, Last Name

SSN is the American version of INN, but it has much more meaning, it is the basis of a US citizen

DOB - Date of Birthday

MMN – mother’s maiden name. Many banks require when register, it is better to break through qualitatively, so that there are no problems.

DL - driver's license driver's license

BG - Background Report additional information about the farm - where he lived, when he was born, who he married, the maiden name of his mother, grandfather, etc.

Credit Score – the banking system's trust score for each person in the US, the higher it is, the better.

credit score is earned over the years, a very complex counting system

Google Voice -a phone number from Google for receiving calls and SMS messages to USA's number

HVNC - Hidden Virtual Network Computing-Remote Desktop Access System

these definitions are like the alphabet, everyone should know !!

Let's move on

So, in America, there are hundreds of banks, in each of which you can open an account, and this is nothing more than a BA. In some cases, an account can only be opened during a personal visit. In some cases, an account can only be opened during a personal visit. In some cases, it can also be opened remotely-on the bank's website

In Russia, this is hardly possible, but in America this is the norm of life.

Even in Europe, this is difficult

BA for our work can be divided into 3 types

1) You can buy brutus accounts - they are almost always on sale, if they are not on sale from certain sellers, they can be found from others. From time to time, banks strengthen protection, enter SMS authentication, and therefore the ability to work with certain banks disappears.

2) Accounts registered independently by you or purchased from sellers who register them for sale

3) Accounts from logs, you can either buy them from log sellers or from your own botnet, or exchange them with people with shared links from logs.

(I) Brutus.

These accounts are available for sale as a simple text login:pass and login details:pass and access to mail( login:pass from mail),

with access to mail, accounts are much more expensive because most banks will enable two-factor authentication, in which any action in the personal account receives a notification to your phone or email.,

if you have access to mail, you can disable notifications on your phone and redirect them to mail, and put a filter on your mail so that emails from the bank fall into spam.

prices start from $ 50 to $ 700, recently seen on sale for$1200


Such an account with access to mail costs $ 400 and they do not linger - they fly away very quickly

It seems expensive, but if you know what to do with it, you can beat it with ease

Let's go further


Self-reg is something that we have registered ourselves, and no one else has access to our accounts.

To create a self-report, we need:

Full Info, Google Voice for receiving sms, Punch Background Report on fullz.

Credit Score (credit history), E-mail (preferably corporate)

On sale there are fullz with already broken credit score, it is easier to take ready-made ones

The score loan must be 700+, otherwise the bank will not give you a good deposit and will treat you worse.

Or even won't let you register self-reg online and invite you to the bank's office

After we got fullz + purchased GV or its equivalent, we need to break through BG -

BG can be broken by yourself and can be purchased, consider an independent breakdown. You can do this on the following sites the most powerful in terms of penetration, but it became harmful

I stopped playing all the cards, I need an approach ,but it works

you can use it as additional info

the direction of all services is the same, but each takes information from different sources add it to your bookmarks - there will be a choice -I mainly use this good service these services are easy to use - you can google others - there are many of them

I use it sometimes on this site, the full date is indicated, on other sites they almost always write the year and month, without specifying the date, but for completeness, you can use several sources, because they will complement each other

In these services, beat the development of your SS, do not activate it for a year, it is enough for you for a month, there is a high probability that the card will die and with it your account on these services, so do it for a month, this is enough

If you took a full card without a broken credit score, then you can also break it yourself on the following services:
Oct 10, 2023
you can use both one and several, I use the latter, this is enough

It is quite possible that at the stage of breaking through the BG or CS, you will not be able to get the necessary information , in which case you throw out the full card and take another one.

Everything, you got everything you need to start - a good fullz with CS from 700 and BG - you can register.

In the public there is a list of banks where you can register for fullz, there are quite a lot of them

These are public banks that you should start with, the deeper you delve into this area, the more you can do, just learn how to make self-registration ba on 2-3 banks, you will understand the essence of most self-registration programs

We use either these banks or look for private offices. Some banks may block the account for a day
You do not have permission to view link Log in or register now.
- this is bad, but maybe in a day the hold will be removed

To gain experience, I recommend starting with simple banks, such as:

Bank of America - famous BOFA bank



banks are very overdue, but they continue to work and give money, they just became more demanding

To register in any bank of USA, you must adjust to the cardholder, when registering you do not need to thoroughly change all the parameters of the hardware, in this direction the antifraud looks at it but not closely,

the main thing is that you have a clean IP address and an American DNS. I recommend using Amazon's Dedics, which you can register yourself on

with grandfathers, you will be just like Americans, there will be no leakage of IP or DNS in principle

To register Dedic Amazon, you need a left SIM card and a card from which 1 dollar will be debited to confirm your solvency, I use a Qiwi virtual card, which I top up with 100 rubles.

After receiving the dedic, I throw chrome and proxy on it to change the IP address. If you changed your IP address, you adjusted to KX, or changed the time to cardholder's time zone, then you register with the bank.

If you have adjusted to cardholder, then you may not have any questions, but if your actions aroused suspicion from the bank, or if this bank already has a cardholder account, then you will get a lot more questions

an example of them is shown in the screenshot:


That's where your preliminary breakdown of this cardholder by BG will come in handy.

You answer – and you are allowed to proceed to the next steps, where you come up with
You do not have permission to view link Log in or register now.
username for your account, password, and pin code


One of the steps is to order a debit card. You probably don't need it, because it will be sent to the billing address of cardholder, skip this item.

but for yourself you understand that there is such a possibility, perhaps in other schemes it will be useful to you

In case of successful registration (approved) — immediately do it online.
Oct 10, 2023
We created a login / pass, then came up with secrets and recorded the account and routing numbers of checking and saving accounts, confirmed the acc by mail + number from google voice, and don't forget to enable alerts. In general, behave like a cardholder.


There is another unpleasant moment, namely a change in the credit history. When registering a new bank account (BA), an entry is made in the credit score and major banks carefully check this in order to prevent fraud.

In America, every resident can once a year break through their credit score for free, but since once a year is very rare - for money you can break through more often.

All our manipulations affect the credit of score cardholder, but it can find out about this either by breaking through itself for money - which is unlikely, or some banks themselves send their clients their updated CS at the end of the month.

Try to avoid this time-the end of the month when registering a BA - it is better to register at the beginning of the month, and you will have quite a lot of time to work.

After all the manipulations, you get a clean BA for work, which only you have access to.

BA from logs.​

On the one hand, the BA logs are the most complete, you have a username:pass, there are cookies for logging in, there is mail to confirm your actions, but you can either get this material from your botnet during your own passage, or buy it

Own passage through your bot to do just for the sake of BA-expensive, then you need to sit tight on the logs

working them out completely, and the links of shops and ba and Facebook, etc., etc. or know where to implement them further.

Buying a database from logs is expensive, but if you know what to do with it next, it pays off.

Almost all BA from the logs remain and are worked out in private, because this is money in its pure form, what goes on sale is something that the sellers themselves did not give a mind to.

Log with login+ password+ access to mail is 60% of your success, with this set there is a high probability of making a profit, you can merge up to 2-3k$ then you will need to call, draw or otherwise verify yourself.

If you have your own botnet with HVNC, then you can manage the cardholder computer as well as your own with all the consequences-use the BA, any cardholder accounts, etc., etc.

This scheme with its own bot is very profitable, but also very expensive.

If you have HVNC for the bank, you are a cardholder, and you can do with your BA everything that the cardholder itself does - you can transfer it to a decent drop service for cash, but before these actions, you must remove all alerts to the phone, transfer it all to an email, and put a filter in the mail so that the cardholder does not burn

It is also possible to change the cardholder phone number in the BA to your own, put a caller on this number and receive calls

Drops usually do not agree to accept bays less than 5k, which means we need a high-quality acc and proper training. You can earn both $ 15 and $ 20k from one such high-quality bay, but again, without a botnet, this is almost impossible.


You have a BA received in any way, what should I do next?

If this is not a self-report, we need to merge the cardholder money. There are several ways to do this:

{1} payment in shops and their own merchandise:

You can link your BA to PayPal accept micro-deposits for confirmation and then configure the system to work with Payment Solution

In addition to PP, you can also link your BA to other stores, including Amazon

Payment with a BA in shops is more reliable, but it is also checked much more carefully. Most likely, for verification, in addition to micro-deposits, they will also require drawing. If you linked it and verified it, then the shop can give you a good amount of money right away from the first drive-in.

Ability to link using the Amazon example


There are also luxury shops that accept payment only from the BA - where the price tag for the product starts from$2k. it's hard to get into such situations because in addition to binding the database, you also need to call and draw it.

The pitfalls are exactly the same as I described, the bank must be from a botnet, preferably with HVNC, since without HVNC we will not send more than 2 - 3k. But shops accept 100% payment to bank accounts, if the order is received, be sure that the product will be sent

but in the presence of such material, it is better to do the bay on our drop, rather than in stuff carding, in my opinion so.

In addition to this method, sl and va through shops can be drained to their own merch, the scheme is as follows: a legal entity is registered for a drop in Money

then, a merch is registered for accepting payments to this legal entity, and after that, both BA and CC can be poured into this merch.

Of course, there will be charges, but until your merch is covered, you can get more than a dozen thousand dollars to your account.

This scheme is very profitable, but at the start you need to invest about$ 7- $ 8k . It can be tested after understanding the subtleties of BA and the whole field of carding, when there is knowledge and a team.
Oct 10, 2023
ACH & Direct Deposit Transfers:

There are two ACH methods:

credit (initialization of the transfer by the sender) and debit (initialization of the transfer by the recipient). Both varieties of ACH have a lot in common:

First, almost all banks allow ACH transfers only between the holder's own accounts. If they find out that the names do not match, they cancel the transfer and block them on the account from where it was initiated.

Therefore, it is necessary to do between accounts for one holder, or in offices that do not check for different names (usually above$ 500 tranches are always checked).

Such offices are worth their weight in gold.

Secondly, the same mechanisms for linking account - instant (by log pass, usually asks to accept the code) and through micro-deposits (here it is enough just to link acc to the office, where you can see the trance).

During instant binding, the holder's name is checked automatically. During mini – bindings, they can check it manually.

-- ACH credit (send, push)- more details

Posting time: Registered in the evening of the next business day (7-8 pm ET usually). After that 1-2 business days will pass before funds are credited

Processing: automatic, but if the payment appears suspicious to the anti – fraud service, you will receive a call to the holder for clarification and manual processing.

Amounts: depends on the bank, many allow you to send 10-20k per day

Ability to withdraw after sending: at the first request of the owner of the account, where the money left within 90 days.

It has relative utility. In order to send it, you need access to the personal account and mail.

The holder can get a call if there are doubts and while he is going – can cancel (after it reaches after the statement of the holder on the next business day will be returned). It is useful for forwarding between self-regs.

- ACH debit (pull) more details

Posting time: Registered in the evening of the next business day (7-8 pm ET usually). After that, 3 business days will pass before funds are credited (sometimes they are already available on the 3rd day)

Processing: automatic, but if the payment appears suspicious to the anti-fraud service – you will receive a call to the holder for clarification and manual processing

Amounts: depends on the bank, many allow you to send 10-20k per day

Ability to withdraw after sending: at the first request of the owner of the account, where the money left within 90 days.

these transfers are the best that is available in the banking system of USA.

PP uses this method, which is why it is so popular in our environment. But PP is one of the most overdue and low-yielding offices with this method.

You can withdraw money from brutus (by breaking through other data on it, that is, full acc route and the name of the holder), from new self-regs where send is pale yellow for which the acc is locked. The possibilities are endless.

{3} next way to drain Zelle

(merge the receiver for % or top up the exchanges and merge the crypt, or just stuff on the drop) the method is very overdue, you need to look for private banks with the possibility of transfers via Zelle.

But even if the method is overdue-it does not mean that it does not work - Zelle translations exist and are in demand both among ordinary people and our brother

We need an approach that will appear with experience and tests.

Zelle posting time: within 10 minutes(auto), during the current business day (manual)

Processing: automatic, but if the payment appears suspicious to the anti – fraud service, you will receive a call to the holder for clarification and manual processing.

Amounts: up to 2-2. 5 k per day usually

Ability to revoke after sending: generally none (except when inside the same bank)

I'll tell you about Zelle, since I have the most experience with her. Our main task is to make sure that the payment is made in auto mode. But each bank has its own characteristics. For example, in chase, you can make 2 auto transfers to one recipient up to$ 500 each and on different days.

However, a subsequent transfer to it will already cause manual processing (even if all other conditions are met). Therefore, this method is suitable for cashing small accounts with valid mail (you will need to accept the code for it)

Another good option is to buy bitcoins from self-reg on localbitcoins. More expensive than on the stock exchange, but instant.

{4} another method of draining money is Wire translation (a caller is required) this type of translation must be applied after a certain experience in the BA

Posting time: this business day/next.

Processing: always manual

Amounts: virtually unlimited (the largest of all types of transfers)

Ability to revoke after sending: none

The most desirable type of transfer for our purposes. The token can be sent to a crypt exchange or a drop account. After receiving the hold, no, so this transfer is not refundable!

Unfortunately, almost all banks have closed the possibility of making a transfer online (and those that do not, still require the first time to show the ID in the branch).

There are 2 real options left:

- Make an online ver with BA from the logs where they are enabled (you need a lot of luck here, the holder will be called)

- Give instructions to make a waer drop

Online brokers allow you to do Chase, Wells Fargo.
Oct 10, 2023
{5} the next method of draining is Bill Pay (make statements from the necessary offices to your BA and pay directly from it

Posting time: Registered in the evening of the next business day (7-8 pm ET usually). After that, 2 business days will pass before funds are credited (for payments to large companies) and 7-10 business days for payments to others (since they send a paper check)

Processing: automatic, but if the payment appears suspicious to the anti – fraud service, you will receive a call to the holder for clarification and manual processing.

Amounts: Above a few k$, questions start already

Ability to withdraw after sending: Until the payment is credited or the receipt is cashed

It used to be better, but now the topic is completely dead. You can usually only use credits quickly, and cashing them out is also not an easy task (even if you pour drops on the card). Antifraud is not dormant. Receipts take a very long time, and the only advantage is that you can legally send them to a different name.

{6} as another option for draining the bank account, you can issue a plastic card to the cardholder address and then make a reroute to the drop that will pour the funds. This method is interesting, but requires experience and manual drops

all these 6 ways of draining were related to those options when we had BA cardholder from balances, but what about self-regs?

If our BA is self-registered, the task of filling the balance to our account is added to the task of draining. You can fill it in using the following methods:

1) The bay with brut ba / CCs. With the brute ba, we fill it through micro-deposits, ssr - data entry ( you need to select bins ). I advise you to fill it in during registration. Start with 1-2k$.

2) Direct Deposit - drawing a receipt and depositing it to an office that works through Direct Deposit. Or we can send the receipt directly to the ba personal account. Better through the offices.

3) Bill Pay - making a transfer from another BA to your one. Requires access to the personal account, goes well with logs.

4) External account-linking your BA to various offices or to the ba log. Next, drain to your ba.

5) Wire-transfer of funds from another BA via wire transfer.

After money has appeared on your self-register, you merge it in the same way as from the corrupted accounts and accounts from logs, from those from which it was not possible to merge immediately, but from your bank it is possible.

There are a lot of schemes of work, your task is to find your own what will give you

Finally, I will describe a few working bundles for work:

This is not a loot button, banks adapt very quickly, and what worked yesterday will not work today

1. Card -(dep) Self-reg in penfed c u - (ACH) Wells Fargo drop (Zelle, Waer) - localbitcoins / exchange

Penfed CU is a very fucked up bank. But if you find the right approach to it, it will reward you beyond measure. You can add up to$2100 / acc. Then the Wells fargo ACH pull tag is displayed in micro-deposits (500 per day is possible, but no more if the names are different). From there, you can buy cue balls in any way you want

2. BA from logs (Zelle) - self-tracking drop (Zelle / vayer) - localbitcoins/биржа

Very reliable and easy to implement scheme. Of course, the self-monitoring of the drop will be ignited as a fraud, but you can drive out quite good volumes. You can accept other people's bays for 50% - this is definitely profitable. If you send online vouchers/via a drop in the department, the bitcoins will be available on the same day. Expenses – for vayer ($20-30), 1-3% of the exchange's commission, s / p drop.

3. Ba brut-(ACH)samoreg on the holder (Zelle) - localbitcoins

Also a normal topic, the brutus holder breaks through and the BA regresses. If the transfer was successful, you draw it and get instant bits.

The topic of BA is limitless, which can feed you for more than one year, here you need to find your own direction and hammer it until it dies, at the same time watch something new that is not developed, etc.

This topic is eternal as well as working with CC as well as carding in general.

But the topic is financially expensive and requires a knowledge base in our field.

And in addition to the database, you need contacts of the right people and services, and ideally your own team