Who are the media police and why does Russia need them?

Oct 14, 2023
A unique bachelor's degree program was launched by RANEPA with the support of the National Academy of National Economy.

A new profession has appeared in Russia — media policeman. This is a user content specialist who can identify and block materials containing extremism, terrorist propaganda, cyberbullying, piracy, and other offenses in social networks. Such a bachelor's degree program was launched by the Russian Presidential Academic University of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) with the support of the National Anti-Terrorist Committee.

According to Lidia Malygina, Head of the RANEPA Department of Media Support for State Interests and National Security, media police will receive one of three specializations: investigation of offenses against citizens (cyberbullying, stalking), legal entities (piracy) or the state (extremism). Officially, the direction is called "Media support for state interests and national security".

According to Roskomnadzor, in 2022, at the request of the department, owners of social networks deleted more than 381 thousand illegal materials, from January to October 2023 — 310 thousand. Vadim Subbotin, deputy Head of Roskomnadzor, said that the consumption of destructive content occurs mainly in social networks and instant messengers, and its creators pursue goals ranging from targeted work with certain groups of people to destabilizing the entire society.

Elena Sutormina, head of the Security 2.0 monitoring Center, said that in the last six months, the volume of negative content on the Internet has grown by more than 16%. According to her, cases of bullying on the Internet are becoming more frequent, new forms of bullying appear, recruitment methods are used, and a lot of fake information appears.

First Deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education Yana Lantratova said that at meetings with parents, the amount of destructive content on the Internet that involves children in criminal activities, destructive movements, suicidal and depressive groups is constantly discussed. She noted that the training of specially trained people who will track destructive content is extremely important in the conditions of such a rapidly developed Internet.

RANEPA also developed a standard for accreditation of media security experts and established a network of accreditation centers based on its 47 regional branches. Rector of the State University of Management Vladimir Stroyev noted that education should quickly respond to changing realities and "supply" qualified personnel to the market who will identify violations in the information space.