Oct 14, 2023

All of the following is purely informative in nature, as a guide to action is not advised, it has nothing to do with the submitter.

Epigraph, I have friends, real traffic police, who waved a stick on the road for more than a dozen years, and robbed our brother to cottages and Lexus's for themselves, well, not the point, so, somehow in a conversation with them, in flood mode, we raised just the topic of rights. They themselves say that the best option now in the Russian Federation is to have your own car (or be a representative of the owner by gender, purely so that the car can be picked up from the penalty box without nerves), and never have a license (DL) at all.

We drove on, to the main thing: How do they fuck up DL? The main thing, booze (they shoot at inadequate driving and a red muzzle with fogged windows), then oncoming traffic, railway crossing, well, exceeding 60 km / h (recorded on video, however, as oncoming traffic and crossing), these are the main reasons, the rest is on occasion.

Didn't agree on the spot? Although this issue itself should be raised immediately, if you do not take the initiative, then they can issue it. After registration, the protocol goes to the district court at the place of registration, there is a trial (in the mode of 5 minutes for consideration and a decision on deprivation, well, if there is no lawyer and other things), and here a resolution is sent to the address, after which you must show your face, and hand over your DL for state custody, for the period of deprivation.

Well, then, according to circumstances, first, we teach our wife (girlfriend, friend) or hire a driver, well, who can, second, we learn the numbers of taxi services (Uber and other Yandex services to help), third, we buy travel cards for general transport, or we learn the routes of a cloud of minibuses, how to get there, in general, we get used to the new status of a pedestrian or passenger, and we live the term of imprisonment as a law-abiding vegetable, sometimes wiping the car with a rag in the garage.

There are still those who score on the resolution, and without giving up their DL, goes, until the first breakdown at the post, will receive another administrative card, and still gives the rights to the traffic police. A more serious option is to take a DL from a similar, as you think, person (usually a brother or sister), and ride on them, of course, but someone has a ride and that.

And the last thing is to make a duplicate of someone's rights by inserting your photo there. Here let's understand, there are several types of rights. These are big old paper ones (laminade, under the WEED), old plastic (with a photo on a red background, they are called red), and several variants of new DL, pink plastic so-called.

People who buy online are divided into two categories, the first is resellers (like me), who, having received an order in real life, of course want to save money, and are looking for cheaper manufacturers, sometimes neglecting the quality of the product, but what, I don't go myself, and there I gave it to an offline client who doesn't believe the Internet and all sorts of "scammers", in his opinion, muddy forums (overpaying tens of thousands of rubles), and "Vasya don't itch", then your problems, how will you go there?

For the curved rights themselves, when making a selection, make sure that the photo of your donor's face is not in the database, because no matter how cool the quality of the rights is, if a photo pops up from the inspector during the breakdown, then you have arrived. Either you will give a lot of money, or you will go to the department, because unlike the curve of sorka, your face will be on the rights, and you will not be able to move out, they say, I don't know what's going on, and for the cops this is 100% me a stick and plus karma from the state.

Slanting paths we still arrived at the main question of the topic, how to ride on crooked rights. Here again, a whole layer of social engineering is buried, and if you did everything correctly, and the breakdown, and expensive rights, then it is far from a fact that when you see an inspector, you will not score a point, and you will not do anything stupid that you can sleep for. Further down the text will be entirely my IMHO, based on conversations with the same traffic police inspectors, how they buy out such things.

Riding: we drive an inconspicuous car, leave the black turbocharger tinted with a forehead (enter your version, according to the region of residence) in the garage until the return of the native rights. Fuck tinting, straight lines, and other eye-catching decorative elements. Punch the car on which you drive, so that there would be no moments of prohibition on reg actions, or do not let ja hijack or search. Otherwise, at fixed posts, your car will ring at the operator, and you will be stopped with a 90% probability.

Your task, for the period of deprivation, is not to shine on the road, not to give even the slightest reason to stop IDPSom. We drive in the second row, but we don't cling to the car in front. Always strapped in. With the headlights on, or with daytime running lights. Check the rear license plate light, the lights are not working at night, a great reason for the crew to stop you. Didn't help? Anyway, did Gawky cop notice you and wave a stick at you? It does not matter, we safely drive up, turning on the turn signal.

For those who are tired during the day, and for the whole life in the form of an inspector, from such citizens who "know" their rights, this is like a red rag for a bull, because he immediately starts sorting out the reasons for stopping in his head, and in any case he will find something to fuck up, even if such a car is oriented, you simply leave him no way out. Get out of the car, unbuckled, although it is not necessary, well, they do not like to bend down in the harness, but you need to bend down, suddenly you reek of a drunk, and you will give him money right now?

(Well, there is an option, if you are blue, then what the fuck, you finally did curves right? After all, you will deprive the person-donor, with good hands, and with bad ones you will stop at kichu altogether, it is easier not to show them at all, there will be fewer problems in the future, and immediately go to the price of a misdemeanor).

DON'T MAKE A FUSS! Calmly and confidently get out the documents, first the card, then the license, and immediately the insurance. If our rights are not outright crap, but a high-quality product, then the inspector will take a look at them once to understand how to contact you, and also compare the license number with insurance, if it is limited. By the way, the car should have a REAL insurance, not a wrapper, and preferably unlimited, so that there is no need to look at the rights again, I understand it's expensive, but what to do, these are the realities.

Well, that seems to be all, I told the main points, maybe I forgot something in the process of narration, I deliberately kept silent about something, good luck to the lads on the track and on the track. The main thing, and in life, too, DO NOT FUSS! All fart!