US introduces International Ransom Waiver for extortionists

Oct 14, 2023
48 countries announced tougher measures against ransomware programs.

The United States, together with a group of 48 countries, the European Union and Interpol, as part of the International Counter Ransomware Initiative (CRI), announced that they will refuse to pay ransoms in the event of cyber attacks. The main goal of the initiative is to stop funding ransomware.

In addition, the group discussed new approaches to combating cybercrime, including the use of artificial intelligence and analysis of blockchain data, as well as the creation of a specialized platform for information exchange between participating countries.

Progress has been made in developing a joint policy that includes sharing lists of blocked cryptocurrency wallets linked to ransomware attacks. Despite difficulties in coordinating international efforts and conflicting views on the ban on ransom payments, participants agreed that such payments were unacceptable, which was a significant step in the fight against the spread of cybercrime.

According to reports, the number of ransomware attacks is growing, and incidents of this kind increased by 153% compared to last year. In response, international law enforcement agencies have stepped up cooperation, which has already led to the successful elimination of major hacker groups and cybercrime services, including the well-known Hive ransomware group and the Genesis darknet market.

In order to develop a ban on paying ransoms, the initiative's participants will look for ways to hold other countries accountable for their role in ignoring the rules or facilitating ransomware. Participating countries will also share information and take action against ransomware campaigns in their territories.