Turkish intelligence rescued a Palestinian hacker from Mossad

Oct 14, 2023
Turkey's National Intelligence Agency has rescued Palestinian hacker Omar A., who managed to hack into Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system, Sabah newspaper reported, without naming its sources.

According to the publication, hacker Omar A., who temporarily disabled the Iron Dome system in 2015-2016 and moved to Turkey in 2020, was detained in Malaysia by employees of the Israeli national intelligence service Mossad during his short trip to this country for two weeks. On the night of September 28, 2022, two groups of Israeli security forces forcibly put a hacker in a car and took him to the Selangor area, 50 km from the capital Kuala Lumpur. Omar A. was interrogated there for 36 hours.

As soon as the Turkish National Intelligence Organization (Milli Istihbarat Teşkilatı, MIT) found out that the hacker had been abducted, the Turkish authorities sent information about the detention of Omar A. to their Malaysian colleagues, saying that the case was "very urgent" and that the Palestinian programmer "needs to be saved," Sabah claims.

A few hours later, Malaysian special forces raided the site where the hacker was being held, and the Kuala Lumpur Magistrate's Court issued an arrest warrant for 11 people who were interrogating the developer.

A few days after this operation, MIT-led teams from the Istanbul Police Department's anti-terrorist directorate detained a Mossad agent in Istanbul who approached the hacker with a partnership offer. The man was sent to prison for spying for Israel.

As a result, the programmer Omar A. was taken to Turkey, where he lives in a house under the protection of the Turkish intelligence service MIT and continues his work on software development.

The Israeli authorities have not yet commented on the material of the Sabah newspaper.

NTV does not specify why this spy story is being reported now. Local media representatives do not rule out that this may be due to the attitude of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan towards Hamas. He calls the movement a legitimate political force in the Gaza Strip, and Israel a "terrorist state