The resident of Minsk issued four bank cards and gave their details to strangers

Oct 11, 2023
Law enforcement officers for combating cybercrime of the Pervomaisky District Department of Internal Affairs of the capital detained a 54-year-old unemployed Minsk resident for illegal circulation of payment funds.

The man issued four bank cards and gave their details to strangers for Br100, the Minsk City Executive Committee police department reported.

The investigation found that near the capital's shopping center, two unknown people approached the person involved and offered him a part-time job. He agreed and issued four bank cards for himself, after which he handed them over with their details to unknown people for Br100.

Investigators opened a criminal case for illegal turnover of payment means. Law enforcement officers establish the identity of the men to whom the Minsk resident handed over bank cards with banking details for money.


Law enforcement officers of the Sovetsky district police department detained a 20-year-old unemployed Minsk resident, who, on the advice of a friend, issued three bank cards and handed them over to unknown persons for Br80. This was reported in the police department of the Minsk City Executive Committee.

In September, the capital's cybercrime counteraction operatives detained ten citizens who issued bank cards for themselves and handed them over to strangers for money. The investigation found that the detainees found offers for part-time work in thematic groups of messengers. Potential "employers" convinced them of the legality of such earnings.

Investigators opened criminal cases against the detainees for illegal turnover of payment means.


Employees of the anti-cybercrime and criminal investigation departments identified a resident of Liozno who was engaged in illegal activities. This was reported in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

It is established that the 23-year-old entrepreneur offered citizens cryptocurrency exchange services. He himself acted as an intermediary between users of crypto exchanges. For seven months of this year, a resident of Liozno received an income of about Br400 thousand.

An administrative report was drawn up on the violator for illegal business activities. He faces a fine of up to 100 basic units and confiscation of the entire amount that passed through his crypto wallet.


The Homel City Department of the Investigative Committee has opened a criminal case on fraud on a particularly large scale, which is related to investments in the OTC market, said Maria Krivonogova, official representative of the USC for the Homel region.

In May of this year, a 55-year-old Homel resident became interested in advertising that promised easy earnings through a popular investment platform.

By clicking on the suggested link, the citizen subscribed to the platform's group in messenger. Soon, the manager came up with a proposal to use the capital efficiently for the highest possible income.

Hoping for a big profit, the man registered on an online platform to invest in projects that the resource offered. The citizen transferred money to accounts that the curator called. As a result, a resident of the regional center made more than 10 transfers in a few months. Their total amount exceeded Br65 thousand. As the Homel resident was assured, part of the funds was used to replenish the trading account and deposits, and another part was used for taxes and guarantees for the withdrawal of earned amounts. The man repeatedly tried to withdraw funds, but without success. Realizing that he had fallen for the tricks of fraudster's the Homel resident turned to law enforcement officers.