The largest flour mill in Israel was attacked: hackers broke the production cycle

Oct 14, 2023
The Solomon Wars continue to hit critical infrastructure in the country.

Unidentified cybercriminals claiming to be the pro-Palestinian hacker group "Soldiers of Solomon" have claimed responsibility for a cyberattack on one of Israel's largest flour mills, which resulted in a major disruption to the company's operations.

According to hackers, they managed to get into the production management systems of Flour Mills Ltd, a company engaged in processing and marketing flour, as well as related food products. The attackers claim that their actions caused significant damage to the production cycle.

Video materials published in the hackers telegram channel show screenshots of the plant's control systems. The actions of cybercriminals can have significant consequences for both the company and the local community, since the plant is an important element of the country's food chain.

The group "Solomon's Warriors" appeared on the radar of the media space in mid-October and has continued to target Israeli organizations ever since. They have previously claimed a successful cyberattack on the Ashalim power plant in the Negev Desert, claiming to have disconnected the plant from the power grid.

The hacktivists also reported that they gained full control over more than 50 servers, security cameras, and a smart city management system in the Nevatim military district, claiming that they stole 25TB of data using the self-developed Crucio ransomware virus, and then put this data up for sale.

This series of incidents clearly demonstrates that in times of open military confrontations, combat operations are conducted not only on the battlefield, but also in cyberspace. Hacker groups actively use any methods available to them to cause damage to the enemy by attacking critical infrastructure objects.

In such times, it is especially important to increase vigilance and strengthen the cybersecurity of critical enterprises, as cyber attacks can affect not only military, but also peaceful objects, putting the lives of the civilian population at risk.