The hard way for a beginner in carding, expectation is sharply opposite to reality

New member
Oct 14, 2023
Being a rather dreamy nature, it was not difficult for me to come up with golden mountains in the period when I was just starting my path in carding. On the Internet, stories about this activity are highly embellished, and you understand the true essence only when you begin to delve into the process on your own. I found out about all this relatively recently, wandering around the sites about making money on the Internet, like many others, looking for opportunities to earn a little extra money in order to improve my life a little and start seeing in it, besides shit, something good. At the same moment, in parallel with the search for all kinds of information from which you can get the release of endorphins (hormones of happiness), I put on the mask of not a simple lover of profit in advance, but painted in my head an image of a fighter against injustice and all my actions will be performed from good intentions ...

When emotions calmed down a little and some real actions began, my little, that very invented world - immediately collapsed. The reality turned out to be cruel and completely unpleasant. I didn't want to be a beggar or ask stupid questions, so I read everything I could get my hands on, put aside the money that I could save and exchange it for cue balls, which I later spent on buying supplies.

The training did not last long, the thirst for big money always wins a sober mind. The first attempts at driving were carried out about 2-3 days after the beginning of my self-study. And what do you think, was success waiting for me ?! - Of course not, I killed all the cardboard and screwed up in every drive. It was also a shame that buying a cc is not the most affordable pleasure for me. One cardboard is nothing, you need them over d *** i to drive in.

After a while, I nevertheless delved into the intricacies a little and sometimes I manage to do hammer-in for small amounts, at first it was non-liquid, and now sometimes I can make some clothes / shoes, sometimes inexpensive electronics. But this is not at all what I expected. The amount spent on expenses and that small income is completely different from what I dreamed of at the beginning. Perhaps I am not yet experienced at all, but I do not think that carding is an opportunity to become a millionaire in an instant, you need to understand this.

This activity is not easy, you will not be able to do everything according to the instructions and earn money from the easy. You should also not treat it as a business, everything is very unpredictable here and it will not work to build a clear business plan. For me, it's like a hobby, an interesting activity, playing a cybercriminal, even though we all understand that we are a drop in the ocean and do not incur any special losses for shops, banks, etc.

I would be interested to hear the opinions of other comrades from the forum, how they were trained and what they think about our activities. If you weed out all the students and threw, you can find quite interesting personalities who can tell something new, I know this not by hearsay.

Again, I am expressing a purely personal opinion. This is all quite subjective, someone can share my views and someone on the contrary. If I ruin your ideal carding fantasies, I beg your pardon. The main thing is that you do something, because as you know, it is better to do at least something than to do nothing at all.