Stop words for banks: What words can block an account when transferring money?

Oct 13, 2023
What are the safe words for banks and why only a select number of employees in credit institutions know about it?
Why the harmless phrase "For a gift" or" Repayment of a debt " can deprive you of access to your own account for a certain time, banking experts warn. The list of words that will instantly stop all movement on the card provides seemingly completely safe words.
When sending money from your bank card, many people use notes, someone indicates the purpose of the transfer, and someone writes a reminder or joke, forgetting that, in fact, the column "Payment purpose" or "Comment" is also payment information that the bank analyzes. Some phrases may not only be refused translation, but may also have more serious consequences.
The grounds for blocking are specified in article 6 of the law "On Countering the Legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds from Crime and the Financing of Terrorism", but each bank independently determines by what criteria, including the words in the notes, a particular transaction falls into the category of suspicious. In some credit institutions, even the seemingly harmless "Discount" and "Thank you" can be considered problematic, while in others transfers are made with the signatures "I return the bribe" or"Buy yourself crypts".
Experts say that everything depends on the settings of the bank's automatic system, but only a narrow circle of employees in each credit institution knows what words in it are beacons for stopping the transfer or for other actions with the client's account.
"By law, credit institutions are required to check all transactions for signs of doubt, and some words in the comments to the transfer may well be interpreted by banks as markers of a suspicious transaction," says Nikita Chaplin, a State Duma deputy and member of the Budget and Taxes Committee. — If this happens, the client will be asked for documents and information that will clearly indicate the source of the money and the reasons for the operation. The "prankster" who can't prove the legality of the transfer runs the risk of being blacklisted by clients. This, in turn, threatens possible restrictions in banking services throughout Russia.

What phrases can cause problems​

If you follow the literal interpretation of the law, it is likely that the transfer, or even immediately the card will be blocked if you send money, and in the comments specify such stop words as" drop"," cyber"," corruption "or"finpyramida". But it turns out that some messages that try to hide the gray payment can also cause a problem. Here are some of them.

"For an apartment"​

In some banks, the system analyzes the meaning of phrases rather than the literal spelling. Here in these credit institutions, if by any wording it becomes clear that the cardholder receives income from renting out housing, a message can be generated to the tax authority. And the tax authorities will check whether the transfer is a fact confirming the receipt of income without paying taxes. As a rule, this happens if there are systematic transfers of almost the same amount to the card of another individual, and signatures like "Rent", "For housing" and others only contribute to the launch of the verification mechanism.

"Payment by agreement"​

Such a comment on the payment directly indicates that the recipient has income from business activities. If the fact of payment for goods or services to the card of an individual who is not a self-employed or individual entrepreneur is confirmed, the card account may be blocked until the end of the proceedings.

"Debt repayment"​

This transfer assignment seems to be the safest one for many people, but it is not quite true. According to the law, they do not require a written transaction of up to ten thousand rubles, but if the total amount of regular transfers is higher, the bank can signal the tax service, which will have a question: what kind of debt is this and whether there are any violations here? You will have to give face-to-face explanations and prove that the transfers do not have a "commercial settlement nature". That is, they are not illegal banking activities.


Many people claim that translating with the phrase "Gift" will never raise any questions, but it turns out that this is not entirely true.
"The donation itself is a non-commercial transaction, so it is not subject to any taxes, but the tax authorities have learned to slow down large gifts in the form of transfers —" says Dmitry Shagin, a lawyer at the Interregional Bar Association of Moscow. — According to some regional inspections, in accordance with article 574 of the Civil Code, the transfer of a gift is carried out through delivery, and the transfer is not considered to be any kind of delivery. And if a citizen begins to challenge this, then he is sent to court, where a reference is made to other articles of civil legislation (Articles 576, 253 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. — Approx. Life), according to which funds belong to the joint property of the spouses, which can only be disposed of with the consent of both. For people who are married, it can be difficult to immediately provide written consent.

If you don't specify the purpose of the payment​

The law does not require mandatory indication of the purpose of payment, but if transfers from card to card are regular, the bank may respond and request explanations for these operations. This is not likely to happen if the system detects different amounts and different comments of a domestic nature when analyzing transfers, such as" Buy meat for a barbecue"," Fill up the car", and so on.
If you receive periodic money transfers for a small amount, but use the money for your current payments and do not cash out, then you don't need to specify the purpose of the transfer.