Steps to withdraw money from stealth PayPal account

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Steps to withdraw money from stealth PayPal account
There are basically 2 ways to withdraw money from your stealth PayPal—(a) send the money to someone with a working PayPal account or (b) verify your PayPal account and use a freelancing website to send the money.
a) Create freelancer accounts
You need a “buyer” and “seller” freelancer accounts. Create the freelancer accounts on separate days to stop the platform from detecting it. They can think you want to launder money, especially when you use your buyer account with the stealth PayPal to pay your seller account immediately
The whole thing needs to be done naturally. Both freelance accounts should bear different names. Try to use different VPNs to log into both accounts.
b) Start the process
Upwork is a good example of a freelance website to use because they allow users to invite their clients to the platform.
Now, use your seller Upwork account to invite your buyer account. Upwork may not charge any fees when you pay your seller account, since that account did the invitation.
Bank withdrawal with stealth PayPal
You can withdraw from your PayPal account to a bank account. However, you need to verify the PayPal account or remove the limits.
Get verification documents via SecondEye and verify your PayPal. Your account may get limited probably because you have some money in it.
Generally, the only time you use personal information for your stealth PayPal is when signing up for the Dingtone phone number.
Reasons to create a stealth PayPal account
Apart from being a backup plan in the case where your primary PayPal account is suspended, a stealth PayPal ensures your anonymity.
Even though sure you can access a stealth PayPal with any IP following the method in this guide, it is still advisable to use a dedicated IP VPN.
You would also get additional online security and anonymity while your account still works like a regular PayPal account.
Every transaction you carry out should take place while your VPN service is active for online privacy and security.
Also, a VPN makes sure you don’t experience verification problems when you travel locally or internationally. You just have to set your VPN to the new location to start sending and receiving money via your stealth PayPal account