Organized production and sale of forged documents: cyber police exposed members of an organized criminal group

Oct 14, 2023
Law enforcement officers stopped the illegal activities of the group, whose members produced and sold fictitious diplomas of education and documents that allow those liable for military service to travel abroad without hindrance. The defendants are under round-the-clock house arrest.

For several months, operatives of the Cyber Police Department, together with investigators of the Main Investigation Department of the National Police, under the procedural guidance of the Prosecutor General's Office, documented the activities of members of a criminal group.

It is established that the "business" was organized by a resident of Kiev who was repeatedly convicted of forgery of documents and his cohabitant. They involved three more residents of the Kiev region in illegal actions. Malefactors used special equipment to produce forged documents that allow those liable for military service to travel abroad without hindrance, as well as fictitious diplomas of educational institutions with holographic elements and seal impressions of the relevant institutions. One of the group members created and administered several web resources for the sale of "products" throughout Ukraine.

During the pre-trial investigation, law enforcement officers with the power support of the TOR division of the Patrol Police Department conducted more than 30 authorized searches. Mobile phones containing information about citizens who applied for illegal services, server equipment, electronic data carriers with existing forged electronic documents, documentation, forms, as well as devices used for forgery were seized. In particular, there are more than 3 thousand fake seals and cliches.

Investigators have opened criminal proceedings under Part 3 of Article 199 (Manufacture, storage, purchase, transportation, shipment, importation into Ukraine for the purpose of using counterfeit money, government securities existing in paper form, state lottery tickets, excise tax stamps or holographic protective elements)in the sale of goods, sale or sale3 of Article 358 (Forgery of documents, seals, stamps and letterheads, sale or use of forged documents, seals, stamps) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

The members of the group were informed of suspicion and the court chose preventive measures in the form of round-the-clock house arrest. The defendants face up to twelve years in prison with confiscation of property.

Investigative actions continue.

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