Oct 10, 2023

What do we need for the transfer?​

This is the victim's acc itself, and the details of the drop account to which we will send the money.

How do I choose an account?​

Mostly selected based on the main criteria: country and bank.

Choosing a country:​

it is desirable that you speak the language of this power, then it will be easy to merge,

since the bank interface itself is designed for ordinary gray users and there is nothing super-difficult there.

But if you don't even know the language, then it's not so terrible. After working with several banks, you already intuitively understand what to click and where to click.

For example, the most cherished "transfers" in both French and English is similar in spelling.

If you have time, check out the demo account for using banking on this site. After viewing it, almost everything will be clear, and if something is not clear,

then go to the acc, click, turn on your brain and most of them will become clear, and what is not clear is something you don't need

Still, the country should not be very foggy, although even in such countries there are small banks in which everything goes very well.

Choosing a bank: when you choose a bank, find out the limits, what you need for a transfer (pin, tan, transfer password, etc.), and how this bank generally works.

You can find out this information yourself by visiting the bank's website, asking the account seller, or talking to your friends.

Where to merge it?​

If you have social skills. you are proficient in engineering and speak the language of the victim country at a conversational level,

then you can make your own drops (or buy a ready-made drop project), so you will save a certain % that the drop service would have taken for itself.

Otherwise, refer to one. Look at its reputation, find out the conditions of withdrawal ( % ratio, for what period of time it will cash out, etc.),

whether it works through the guarantor, whether it takes responsibility for the drop roll. Having done all this, take the account data for cash-out and go ahead.

How to pour?​

First, it is to disguise yourself and protect yourself. Almost all banks have a much better security system on the site than on billing and shopping centers.

What do we do?​

We mask the axis and browser for the victim country, take the VPN,

on top of it, we cling to the socks5 that is most suitable for the data of the account owner.

We choose the time of the bay according to the victim's time zone (do not forget to set this zone for yourself), that is, you do not need to pour at 4 am their time,

think about how often legitimate users transfer money.

If everything is done, go to the ACC, slowly select the transfer point, select interbank or intrabank, enter the drop data and the amount.

Please note, I advise you to choose not a very round amount, that is, instead of 2000 units, merge 1985 units. and so on.

That's all, click the key to make a transfer (I don't know what you will have there), then enter what they ask you to enter and almost everything.

We make a screen of the page where it says that everything went well and there is data of the sender and recipient.

This should be done if you work with a drop line, so that in cases of a drop, you have proof.

We knock on the drop line, say that the money is gone and that's it... we are waiting-with our own money earned by sweat and blood.