One million tablets for Russian teachers and doctors: new project of the Ministry of Digital Development for 2024

Oct 10, 2023
Russia invests in tablet production: a chance for domestic developers.

In 2024, Russian teachers and doctors will receive the first tablets based on the domestic operating system, said the head of the Ministry of Digital Development, Maksut Shadaev. According to him, the initial order for production will amount to about one million devices, which will meet the main need among teachers and medical professionals.

"This is just the critical volume that will allow such production to take place in Russia," said Shadaev.

"And we are now discussing the sources of funding for this program, we are already looking at pilot samples of tablets, we are looking at how the Russian operating system will work on them. In the 24th year, I think that we will make some kind of pilot and then start replicating it all, " he added.

According to the minister, the state order is the only measure that will help with the development of tablets. He also noted that tablets are one of the areas of production in Russia that is "sinking", as it is difficult for domestic developers to compete with Chinese manufacturers who are "very efficient, very technological, very cheap".