Misterbitcoin Paypal Guide Share

Oct 17, 2023

First I would like to thank you for purchasing this guide and wish you good luck on your paypal ventures :) Everything I wrote here is from personal experience, I tried my best to explain everything as clearly as possible and not forget any details but if something isn't clear send me a PM and I'll be glad to answer any questions.

Guide Overview:

Although the guide's main purpose is for transfers and middle man account's I've included some of my own cash out methods. The guide is in 6 sections that build on each other.
Section 1: The transfer setup I use for my own transfers (From verified accounts)
Section 2: Mass transfers from CC's(what most PP vendors are doing) + Various gateways and ecommerce
Section 3: Building your own Middle man Accounts(or buying them) + aging/transaction history
Section 4: Paypal transfer funnel (how transfers should be sent)
Section 5: Cash outs
Section 6: Resources
Please read the guide in order(1-6) as each step has building blocks for the following sections.
Across the guide you will see "TIPS" highlighted, please pay special attention to these as they will most likely save you a lot of grief.
While the earning potential with Paypal is great, it also requires a lot of planning and attention to details to be successful.
Let's Begin!!


Overview: The typical way to send a paypal transfer is to buy stolen CC's and card a payment gateway which leads to the middle man account(I will be going over this in detail in section 2).
A gateway is just something simple like "instabuck" that allows you to upload a product, such as ebooks, and make a paypal payment link, you then proceed to card this link with the stolen cc. The good thing about this system is that its quick and easy and you can make ALOT of transfers in one day with minimal effort. The bad thing about this system, depending how strong your middle man account is, it can raise some red flags as its coming direct from CC. Paypal and the payment gateways are also continuously updating their security so often need to update methods to beat PP/gateways.
So now that we got that covered here's the overview for the method in this section: We will be creating paypal accounts that are verified and then use a combination of paypal credit/bill me latter(this a credit line that paypal makes for you, explained in details below) + the vic's credit card.
Why is this better? 1) Sending from a verified account will be alot less "hard" on your middle man accounts(which mean's you can send more funds without being limited, will also look better if the account goes under review) 2) With your credit line you can split up the payments (ex: if you have 2K credit line can make 4 x 500) 3) Can double dip the account and send from the CC on file 4) Funds will most likely stick longer
Now if your new to payal this might not make much sense now but don't worry I'll be going step by step below: Resources Checklist/explanation: 1) RDP/Dedicated SOCKS5/VPS 2) USA CC Fullz 3) Phone number(optional) 4) Generic e-mail 5) vba/VCC(optional) 6) Phone spoofer
TIP: Paypal is a resources game. You'll burn through alot of fullz, cc's, rdp's etc. Buying in bulk cuts down the price to 1/3-1/5 of original price which makes a huge difference in the long run!!

1) RDP/Dedicated SOCKS5/VPS Alright so let's get started, the first thing we're going to need is the RDP/VPS In layman's terms a VPS/RDP is basically another computer that’s hosted somewhere else. You’re going to use these as the personal computer to open the paypal accounts. Paypal is ultra sensitive about IP address/cookies. With a VPS/RDP you are able to create a paypal account and login with the same IP and cookies which will save you from alot of the dreaded paypal erors. You could also make a new virtual machine on your computer and buy a dedicated socks5 etc but I find using rdp/vps alot easier.
Were to buy: EVO is filled with sellers you can buy from hacked and none hacked. You can also Google search usa vps/rdp and there's plenty of companies selling them. Buy from one that has bitcoin payment as option
Oct 17, 2023
Hacked VS not hacked: Hacked rdp's/vps is a computer that’s been infiltrated by one of the vendors, the owner still has access to it and can see what you’re doing. These are ok to use in this instance as we won't be using these for long but if you’re going to make a cashout/middle man account I would for certain get a none hacked one that you have complete control over and will last long( I typically use none hacked regardless). Now that you have the vps/rdp you can login on to it, this will be different depending what OS you’re using, but it’s very straight forward and the vendor will give you all the information you need. ALWAYS!! Connect to the rdp/vps through a security barrier; never connect using your own isp!! Once your logged on you’ll notice that the computer is bare so you’ll need to install firefox and flash. Step one is done let's move on to creating the account...

2) USA CC FULLZ/Creating the PP account First you'll need to make a generic e-mail(like gmail). I would use the full name of the fullz to make it ex: [email protected] Next step is taking a matching fullz to the ip address of the rdp/vps and using the information to open a paypal account

THe fullz your using should all be high level cards such as business, signature, centurion etc as people with a $10K-30 000 credit card limit will most likely have alot better credit then the basic 1K cards(which will come in handy for the paypal credit)
TIP: if you’re buying the fullz per piece its sometimes easier to find a match by buying the vps/rdp first and requesting a fullz from the vendor from the same city. Next we’re going to verify the account with a VBA(virtual bank account) You can buy these from EVO or places like
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(optional) Next were going to verify the paypal account with the vic's credit card. Go to verify paypal and verify with credit card.. Add in the CC details, paypal will then charge $1.95 to the vic's CC. On the statement will appear paypal and a 4 digit code.
The 4 digit code is what we need to verify the account. To get the code we're going to call the bank's automatic system(don't worry you won't need to talk to anyone) To do this first make an account on
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, pay with bitcoin. Next either using voip or burner phone(I would use burner phone if possible as sometimes the banks automated system doesn't recognize the numbers when key-ing the cc numbers) call the vic's banking number but spoof the number to show as the phone number on the fullz To find out the credit cards customer service number take the first 6 digit's of the cc and go to binlist.net and look up the bank. Next just search the bank number in google for that specific bank. If you've done all the steps properly the automated system should only ask for the last 4 digits of the card or the SSN number depending on the bank. Press in the correct numbers. If successful this will bring you to the telephone banking menu. Navigate the menu to find recent transactions and listen to the amounts. It will say something like charge $1.95 paypal 4051 (the 4 digits is what you need, write this down) Log back into the paypal accounts and enter the 4 digits in the verification system. Alright your account is now verified with a VBA and a CC from a big brand brick and motor bank which will go a long way. Now comes the easy stuff, your almost there! Login to paypal and apply for paypal credit/bill me latter. They’ll ask you the DOB and last 4 digits of SSN so make sure to have the fullz info in front of you.
Once approved paypal credit will give you a credit line with a minimum of $250 but if you followed my advice and used fullz with high level cc bins it will be much higher, in the thousands. Now when you’re ready to send a transfer you can send from panel and use paypal credit/bill me latter OR if you’re paying an invoice etc you will see a new tab now on checkout for paypal credit/bill me latter. Use that one!
After you’ve used up the paypal credit line you can move on to using the credit card on file for another 1-2 transfers J although I usually save this for when my middle man accounts are near burnt. I will go in depth on how to perform the transfers to middle man accounts in the next section. Alright take a deep breath, this may seem like a major pain in the ass now but once you get use to it this process will only take 20-50 minutes of time total and cost you anywhere from $40-$90 depending on success ratio/price of resources BUT you can reap anywhere from $2000 to $5000+ in transfers, from a verified account, the funds typically stick A LOT longer and with the going rate of transfers @ 25%to35% you just saved yourself anywhere from $500-$1800 +, not bad I would say ?! J Things that can go wrong: 1) The credit card is already on file. Nothing we can do here will just need to move on to another 2) The SSN used to register is already in use, again nothing we can do here but use another fullz. 3) The vic notices the 1.95 charge on CC or they’ve paid for a very advanced anti-fraud alert/monitoring system – this will get the account closed but I’ve found this to be very rare. I believe that covers everything for section 1, if you have any questions please let me know
Oct 17, 2023
Section 2: Mass transfers from CC's:
This section will cover how paypal transfers are typically made Overview: The basics of this system is to make invoices/products through a third party gateway such as payhip, instabuck, freshbooks etc or making your own ecommerce website. There’s literally 100’s, if not 1000’s of gateways online we can use to do this. The gateway account is then linked to the middle man account. Once setup you now have a link for XYZ product from the gateway which you can card and then instantly fund the middle man account with. Credit card > gateway > middle man TIP: The single most important part to these transfers is the quality of the cards. You want high end bins like signature, business centurion, platinum etc. The reason for this is because which such high credit limits a $500$1000 transfer is less likely to be noticed by the cardholder then with low limit cards. Since it’s a numbers game with these cards buying bulk for discount will really pay off. I give a few sources for good cards at the end of this guide in the resources section While which gateway you decide to use does make a difference, as stated above the cards are what makes a biggest difference. I will explain further down the gateways I’ve used successfully but it’s important to remember these are constantly changing to prevent fraud and you might need to switch things up.
Resources needed: 4) VM – Virtual machine 5) Credit card’s – High level bins 6) SOCKS – VIP72 etc 7) (Optional) U-Like tool (changes computer name, volume id #, timezones etc) 8) Tool to change mac address 9) VPN/security barrier 10)(optional) user id changer 11)Cache/cookie cleaner (ccleaner, bitbleach)
STEP 1: Gateway The first step is finding the gateway you’re going to use. As mentioned above a gateway is a way to clean the funds from credit card to the middle man account. You can also make your own webstores/ecommerce platforms. Since the steup for this is very long I’ve made a separate document for this which will be included with this guide.
Some examples of gatesways I’ve used a lot: Freshbooks.com Instabuck.com Payhip.com
There’s literally 100’s of others and fundraising sites you can use to do this. Just a simple google search will find plenty. When you found a gateway you would like to use make an account on the site with the same IP address as your middleman account and use the same e-mail for registration as the PP middle man e-mail. You can make invoices for anything, upload ebooks, make fundraisers at any price you want. My favorite is ebooks/online services as there are so many gateways for this. If you go this route to make it look legit upload a real product and description. You can find marketing products and such leaked on wsodownloads.info or other blackhat/leak websites. Once done you’ll have a link from the website were your product is for sale(which goes to your middle man account). Save the link in a txt file. Alright so now you have a gateway and product setup for your middleman account, it’s time to setup your computer for the transfer…
PART 2: Computer setup First step is setting up a virtual machine on your computer. If you don’t know how to do this PM and I’ll send a guide. Next install the following things on VM: 12)I would recommend buying Mulac’s software, Ulike.http://k5zq47j6wd3wdvjq.onion/listing/15234 It changes the volume id serial and username and a few other things in one shot. You could do this manually but it easy this way. 13)Install ccleaner and bitbleacher (they are free to download, search on google) This will be used for cleaning cookies
14)Next install vip72 for socks – vip72.asia – They have a bunch of different packages and you can pay via bitcoin. 15)Install firefox 16)Install firefox user agent changer plugin -
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17)Install MAC address changing tool -
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18)VPN like mullvad
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Alright now that we have everything installed here is the checklist that you must do before each transfer 19)Change the mac address 20)Load U-Like and change computer name so same on CC and change the serial 21)Set the user agent to the one you want, usually I use iphone and tablet user agent. To find these search “user agent string iphone” and then copy/paste it into the firefox user agent plugin you installed previously. MAKE sure at the end of the string the language setting matches the language of the vic’s country. 22)Open/run the vpn 23)Open vip72, select the same city as the credit card your going to use for the transfer 24)Once you’ve clicked on the ip it will load on the main menu of vip72. Right click the IP and change time zone to match ip and change to match geo. Sometimes(rarely) vip72 doesn’t match the proper time so its wise to search the city’s time to double check this is correct. 25)Run ccleaner and bitbleach to clean all cookies etc
26)Next open browser and go to
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, make sure the IP is not blacklisted and that the IP matches the one on display on vip72. (TIP: don’t forget to load proxifier with vip72 or else vip72 won’t work) You’re now ready to make the transfer. Seems like a lot to do but once you get use to it you can do all those steps in under a minute! Now all you have to do is load the link you have for the product from the gateway and enter all the credit card details and personal info. Make sure to double check all the information for mistakes before submitting. Congratulations, if everything went well the transfer went through! Now another reminder I can’t stress how important the quality of the cards you get are. With high quality cards my success ratio is usually over 8090%, but with bad cards I’ve had 0/30!! Trouble shooting / Thing’s that can go wrong: 27)If your doing transfers for someone else often they lie and say they have a business/premier account when its personal which can cause success ratio to go down a lot 28)If the account is limited your transfer won’t go so make sure the middle man or your customers account is in good shape 29)You have shit cards – this will most likely be the biggest problem, see resources section for cards 30)The IP used wasn’t good which will decline the transaction 31)The transaction was reversed: This is most likely due to the middle man account not being able to hand the funds 32)Nearly instant chargeback: Some people have sms banking alerts or high fraud detection etc. Doesn’t happen often but it’s part of the game, will just have to cut your looses.
33)Your MM account can’t handle USA CC funds – Some country accounts can’t receive direct from CC USA funds, if you keep hitting a roadblock with a certain account/Middle man double check to see which country it is from. 34)You forgot to load proxifier with vip72 and the ip is the ip of the vpn instead of matching the card holders city. I believe that covers everything for making payments with credit cards, again if any issues/questions PM me and I’ll help you out!
Oct 17, 2023
Section 2: Mass transfers from CC's:
This section will cover how paypal transfers are typically made Overview: The basics of this system is to make invoices/products through a third party gateway such as payhip, instabuck, freshbooks etc or making your own ecommerce website. There’s literally 100’s, if not 1000’s of gateways online we can use to do this. The gateway account is then linked to the middle man account. Once setup you now have a link for XYZ product from the gateway which you can card and then instantly fund the middle man account with. Credit card > gateway > middle man TIP: The single most important part to these transfers is the quality of the cards. You want high end bins like signature, business centurion, platinum etc. The reason for this is because which such high credit limits a $500$1000 transfer is less likely to be noticed by the cardholder then with low limit cards. Since it’s a numbers game with these cards buying bulk for discount will really pay off. I give a few sources for good cards at the end of this guide in the resources section While which gateway you decide to use does make a difference, as stated above the cards are what makes a biggest difference. I will explain further down the gateways I’ve used successfully but it’s important to remember these are constantly changing to prevent fraud and you might need to switch things up.
Resources needed: 4) VM – Virtual machine 5) Credit card’s – High level bins 6) SOCKS – VIP72 etc 7) (Optional) U-Like tool (changes computer name, volume id #, timezones etc) 8) Tool to change mac address 9) VPN/security barrier 10)(optional) user id changer 11)Cache/cookie cleaner (ccleaner, bitbleach)
STEP 1: Gateway The first step is finding the gateway you’re going to use. As mentioned above a gateway is a way to clean the funds from credit card to the middle man account. You can also make your own webstores/ecommerce platforms. Since the steup for this is very long I’ve made a separate document for this which will be included with this guide.
Some examples of gatesways I’ve used a lot: Freshbooks.com Instabuck.com Payhip.com
There’s literally 100’s of others and fundraising sites you can use to do this. Just a simple google search will find plenty. When you found a gateway you would like to use make an account on the site with the same IP address as your middleman account and use the same e-mail for registration as the PP middle man e-mail. You can make invoices for anything, upload ebooks, make fundraisers at any price you want. My favorite is ebooks/online services as there are so many gateways for this. If you go this route to make it look legit upload a real product and description. You can find marketing products and such leaked on wsodownloads.info or other blackhat/leak websites. Once done you’ll have a link from the website were your product is for sale(which goes to your middle man account). Save the link in a txt file. Alright so now you have a gateway and product setup for your middleman account, it’s time to setup your computer for the transfer…
PART 2: Computer setup First step is setting up a virtual machine on your computer. If you don’t know how to do this PM and I’ll send a guide. Next install the following things on VM: 12)I would recommend buying Mulac’s software, Ulike.http://k5zq47j6wd3wdvjq.onion/listing/15234 It changes the volume id serial and username and a few other things in one shot. You could do this manually but it easy this way. 13)Install ccleaner and bitbleacher (they are free to download, search on google) This will be used for cleaning cookies
14)Next install vip72 for socks – vip72.asia – They have a bunch of different packages and you can pay via bitcoin. 15)Install firefox 16)Install firefox user agent changer plugin -
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17)Install MAC address changing tool -
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18)VPN like mullvad
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Alright now that we have everything installed here is the checklist that you must do before each transfer 19)Change the mac address 20)Load U-Like and change computer name so same on CC and change the serial 21)Set the user agent to the one you want, usually I use iphone and tablet user agent. To find these search “user agent string iphone” and then copy/paste it into the firefox user agent plugin you installed previously. MAKE sure at the end of the string the language setting matches the language of the vic’s country. 22)Open/run the vpn 23)Open vip72, select the same city as the credit card your going to use for the transfer 24)Once you’ve clicked on the ip it will load on the main menu of vip72. Right click the IP and change time zone to match ip and change to match geo. Sometimes(rarely) vip72 doesn’t match the proper time so its wise to search the city’s time to double check this is correct. 25)Run ccleaner and bitbleach to clean all cookies etc
26)Next open browser and go to
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, make sure the IP is not blacklisted and that the IP matches the one on display on vip72. (TIP: don’t forget to load proxifier with vip72 or else vip72 won’t work) You’re now ready to make the transfer. Seems like a lot to do but once you get use to it you can do all those steps in under a minute! Now all you have to do is load the link you have for the product from the gateway and enter all the credit card details and personal info. Make sure to double check all the information for mistakes before submitting. Congratulations, if everything went well the transfer went through! Now another reminder I can’t stress how important the quality of the cards you get are. With high quality cards my success ratio is usually over 8090%, but with bad cards I’ve had 0/30!! Trouble shooting / Thing’s that can go wrong: 27)If your doing transfers for someone else often they lie and say they have a business/premier account when its personal which can cause success ratio to go down a lot 28)If the account is limited your transfer won’t go so make sure the middle man or your customers account is in good shape 29)You have shit cards – this will most likely be the biggest problem, see resources section for cards 30)The IP used wasn’t good which will decline the transaction 31)The transaction was reversed: This is most likely due to the middle man account not being able to hand the funds 32)Nearly instant chargeback: Some people have sms banking alerts or high fraud detection etc. Doesn’t happen often but it’s part of the game, will just have to cut your looses.
33)Your MM account can’t handle USA CC funds – Some country accounts can’t receive direct from CC USA funds, if you keep hitting a roadblock with a certain account/Middle man double check to see which country it is from. 34)You forgot to load proxifier with vip72 and the ip is the ip of the vpn instead of matching the card holders city. I believe that covers everything for making payments with credit cards, again if any issues/questions PM me and I’ll help you out!
Oct 17, 2023
SECTION 3: Paypal Transfer Tunnel
Overview: This is just a quick section on how the transfers should flow from credit card to middle man’s to cash out and why The flow should look like this: Credit card/paypal credit > gateway > middle man 1 > gateway/ecommerce store > Middle man 2 > Cash out Payapal account. Doing it this way you are cutting off the charge backs long before your cash out account which you want to protect at all cost especially if you’ve invested in an expensive bank drop or spent a lot of time building transaction history etc. The first middle man is basically used as foot soldiers to receive the dirty funds, you know eventually they will be killed off.
The second middle man is your captain, to receive the funds from the soldiers and lastly the third paypal account is your king, which will be protected from chargebacks from the first two. This doesn’t mean that the cash out account is 100% safe, paypal might eventually figure out what’s going on and close down the account.