Installing and configuring a botnet

Oct 11, 2023
Guide Navigation
  • Installing a botnet on Android
  • Installing a botnet on Linux (Debian-based)
  • Installing a botnet on Windows (Wsl2)
  • Installing a botnet on Linux (Arch-based)
  • Installing a botnet on macOS
  • Universal installation on Linux
  • Botnet Configuration
  • Starting and adding sessions
  • FAQ
If anything, all items are clickable.

Installing on Android​

Installing programs
Commands for
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Run the following commands:
apt update && apt upgrade -y
apt install git python -y
git clone
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cd ~/telegram-raid-botnet
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

If you want to move the botnet to your phone's internal storage, run the following commands:
mv ~/telegram-raid-botnet /sdcard/telegram-raid-botnet

The botnet is installed, then you need to configure it.

Follow this guide to configure your botnet

Install on Linux (Debian-based / Ubuntu )​

Open a terminal and write the following commands there:

apt sudo update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install git python3 -y
sudo apt install python3-pip
git clone
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cd ~/telegram-raid-botnet
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

The botnet is installed, then you need to configure it.

Follow this guide to configure your botnet.

Installing a botnet on Windows (WSL2)​


For this installation, you need Windows 10 version 2004 or higher — this is an update from May 2020, that is, most should already have it installed. If not, then start by updating Windows by clicking Win+i → Update and Security → "Check for updates".

To view the exact version of Windows, at the command prompt, type

Also, if you have something gone wrong, you always have the Internet at your fingertips

Installing WSL2​

To enable WSL2 at the command prompt, press Win+x and select "Windows PowerShell (Administrator)" from the menu that opens.

It is important to open PowerShell with elevated rights. Run in it:
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux


Wait for the download to finish and run.


Restart your computer by pressing Enter.


Now open PowerShell again as an administrator and run:
dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform /all /norestart
dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart


Restart your computer again.

Download and install the latest WSL2 Linux Kernel from here:
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Oct 11, 2023

Open PowerShell again with administrator privileges and run:
wsl --set-default-version 2


Installing the Ubuntu distribution on WSL2​

Open the Microsoft Store and enter the word "linux"in the search. Then find the" app " called Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and download it. After installation, restart your computer.


After installation, open PowerShell with administrator rights and enter the following command there:
wsl --list –-verbose


If your Linux environment has version 1 specified, change it to WSL2 with the command:
wsl --set-version Ubuntu-20.04 2

This completes the installation of WSL2. Let's move on to installing the raid botnet.

Installing a botnet on WSL2​

Open the WSL2 terminal. To find it, you can write the word "Ubuntu"in the search.

Once opened, enter the following commands:
apt sudo update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install git python3 -y
sudo apt install python3-pip
git clone
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cd ~/telegram-raid-botnet
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

The botnet is installed, then you need to configure it.

Installing a botnet on Linux (Arch-based)​

Open the terminal and write the following commands there
sudo pacman -Suy
sudo pacman -S python git
sudo pacman -S python-pip
git clone
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cd ~/telegram-raid-botnet
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

The botnet is installed, then you need to configure it.

Installing a botnet on macOS​

To install git, python, use your own package manager

To install the botnet itself, open the terminal and write the following commands
git clone
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cd ~/telegram-raid-botnet
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

The botnet is installed, then you need to configure it.

Universal installation on Linux​

To find out your package manager, run the command
cat /etc/*-release

The first line will contain the name of your distribution. Open Google and write there "(your distribution) what is the package manager", then read the instructions for it.

Next, use your package manager to install the python3, git, and pip packages (if it wasn't installed with Python )

Then write the following commands
git clone
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cd ~/telegram-raid-botnet
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Oct 11, 2023
The botnet is installed, then you need to configure it.

HEADING=3]Botnet Configuration[/HEADING]
In order for the botnet to be configured correctly, we need to get our API ID and API HASH. To do this, you need to create an app on the site
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First, log in under your account. After authorization, it will show us this intuitive menu:


Go to the
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tab, and then create an app there

After you have created your app, you need to copy 2 lines from there: API HASH and API ID


Copy these two lines somewhere in a safe place, they will still be useful to us

To launch a botnet, run the command

If he writes something about the directory, then go to the directory with the botnet with the command
cd ~/telegram-raid-botnet

After you launch the botnet for the first time, you will see the botnet setup assistant. Fill in the fields as shown in the screenshot.


Congratulations, you have configured the botnet. Now let's move on to launching it and further configuring it

Starting and adding sessions​

To start raiding, we need to add accounts to our botnet. To do this, we exit the current process by pressing Ctrl + C, and run the following command
cd sessions && python3

After executing this command, you will need to enter your account number and confirmation code in order to add your account to the botnet.

If you don't understand something, use a translator, or at least go to the @huis_bn chat and ask there

To switch back to the botnet directory, write the following command
cd ..

How to launch a botnet​

The botnet is launched with the following command

If you have written something related to the directory, just enter it with the command
cd ~/telegram-raid-botnet

Congratulations, you have fully configured the botnet and added sessions to it, and now you can use the botnet for its intended purpose


What does Initialize sessions mean?
  • If you answer yes, the botnet's operation will be accelerated by initializing all sessions at once
What does the file do? in the sessions folder?
  • This small script will help you log in to the Telegram account that you added to the botnet.
python3 <session name>


we enter this number in any Telegram client, and then we will receive a login code


If you don't understand the purpose of a particular function, then use
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Thank you for reading this great article, and have fun raiding