Instagram Hacking Script by Bruteforce in Termux

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For hackers/spammers

1) Load up your android device.

2) Next click on your playstore app and search for “Termux” & install it.

3) Open Termux app and type: “pkg install git”.

4) To update available packages type: “pkg update”.

5) Lets install python by typing ” pkg install python”

6) We will need to download the tool we will be using for this bruteforce exercise. To download, on your terminal…type: “git clone
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7) Once the download is complete, type: “ls” to list the available folders/files in current directory

8) As you can see you have a folder call “instahack”, now make your way into that folder by typing “cd instahack”.

9) Type: “ls” to list the available files.

10) Ok we are nearly there. Next lets install an editor so we can edit the password file. To install nano, type : “pkg install nano” .

11) Ok lets stop for a second. Now allow me to explain a few things for the beginners. As the article said , this is a bruteforce method. So whats a bruteforce method? A bruteforce method is when the target credentials are ran against a list of possible passwords. The only thing about bruteforcing is that you are responsible for the strength of your own password list. Meaning the probability of cracking the password depends on the strength of the wordlist and the amount of possible words we put in. This will take time to build or you can use to custom make a wordlist.

12) Fine so lets edit our password list. In instahack directory, type: ls.

13) As you can see there is a file named pass.txt. This is the file that you will need to place all the possible passwords in.

14) To edit the pass.txt, we will be using the nano editor that we just installed. Type: “nano pass.txt”.

15) Below you will see a small list of passwords that comes with it by default, you can now add as many words as possible for it to run against the target. You could use to custom build password lists.

16) When you are done , press alt x, yes, enter. For those using samsung s8+ the alt button is replaced on ur phone as the volume down button. Press on to the volume down button and press x at the same time.

17) And now for the final installation, type : “pip install requests”.

18) We are ready!! Lets run the script, type: “python” .

19) You will first be asked for your target username.

20) Next you will be given an option to use a proxy or not. I wont be using any for this tutorial

21) And lastly u can set the intervals between tries. I have set mine to 6.

22) Once you have it all keyed in, press enter.

23) As you can see upon enter, instahack starts running the pass.txt against the target username. If the password is incorrect it will show incorrect, otherwise as shown below, it will show the correct login credentials.
New member
Oct 14, 2023
Hacking Instagram using your smartphone!

Today we will analyze a new utility in Termux for hacking Instagram with brute force. Recall that brute-force is a complete search of passwords for something. Our today's instrument is called IGHACK. Let's start installing it:

Updating packages:
$ apt update
$ apt upgrade
Download Python:
$ pkg install python -y
Download Python2:
$ pkg install python2 -y
Downloading the git:
$ pkg install git -y
Clone the repository:
$ git clone
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Opening the tool:
$ cd $ HOME
$ ls
$ cd ighack
$ ls
$ bash setup
When done, close Termux completely and log in again.
$ cd ighack
$ bash
5 options open before us:
• auto attack - automatic brute force attack, with default passwords
• manual attack - manual brute force attack with your password sheet
• about - utility description
• update - update (I recommend choosing before starting)
• exit - exit the instrument

That's all, good luck using it!‌‌

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New member
Oct 14, 2023
Before starting, I would like to introduce you to the theory.

BruteForce - a method of selecting a password by iterating through possible combinations.

GitHub is the largest web service for hosting IT projects and their joint development.

Python is a high-level general-purpose programming language focused on improving developer productivity and code readability.

To brute-force the password, we will use a script that was written in Python. It is quite easy to use and works on any operating system.

Let's get started.

To get started, download and install Python itself from the link
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. We will need it to run the script.

Now download the script itself from GitHub
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Unzip InstaBrute-Master.

Now create or download a database with brute force passwords.

Get a couple of fresh proxies from the site
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and copy them to a text document.

Open the command prompt (cmd) and drag the script there Separated by a space, write -u (your victim's username) -w (the name of a text document with a list of passwords that you previously placed in the same folder with

script) -p (document with proxy)- t (number of threads, standard costs 4)- d-v.

Press Enter and wait. If you are lucky, then after a while you will see the password for the account you need.