identity and numbers basic

Oct 14, 2023

A piece of identification is any paper or policy that can be used to verify ones personal information. It can be issued in different forms which include cards ,email and even more numbers.Usually called an identity card , this document especially in these days of high internet shopping is sometimes required as proof , shops might require proof of a number to identify if one is the real owner of the i.d . In different countries to hold government identity card is compulsory whilst in others it is the opposite .With different assesements to countries it varies where some have formal identity documents and informal where for example i stated an email i.d , may be required .As the time states as
on my pc , i shall relate ways in which one can fake or state a well known trick where by you can trick i.d numbers relating to different countries :that is if mostly they are required by the shops.

Starting with that britishh country to date , they do offer a certain i.d , which if you possesess can get you freemoney , helth, even death care . They call it the n.i card .Generally called an n.i number is used to mainly by loan companies in order to verify and even shops . The number is as xx xx xx xx c example xe 91 20 94 L.
The sector for Information Technology has shown that a person can have many numbers. thats where sharks venture if you are one .. lol

so when shop require from identification in u.k if you are handling fraud and you have all the the full information of a person including account number sort code d.o.b, but require n.i number , as the date would in formart 01/01/1970 , n.i can be manipulated to with the date of birth , and all passes will be relavant example , you use TM 01 01 70 M

WHERE TM , (temporary) and M (MALE Iif man / F if female ) +++++

01/01/70 d.o.b

all countries coming soon

4 , by t crwz