How Yandex Music protects children from harmful content and what it does with tracks that the authorities don't like

Oct 14, 2023
The service has published its first transparency report.

Yandex Music has published its first transparency report, which explains how content appears on the platform, why it can be removed, and presents the results of its work on analyzing and labeling 18+content.

The report states that Yandex Music "pays special attention to user safety, including protecting children from content on sensitive topics."

The service supported the Music Industry Association's (AMI) initiative to create recommendations for dealing with dangerous or unpleasant content and was the first service to implement them.

As a result, Yandex Music marked 17,515 music tracks with the 18+ sign, or Explicit, in the third quarter of 2023 alone. To do this, the service used a methodology developed by the Expert Council at the Research and Training Laboratory for Linguistic Conflictology and Modern Communication Practices of the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

In Transparency Report, the service explains why content can be removed.

Content may become unavailable on Yandex Music" if the license agreement with the copyright holder expires, at the request of government agencies, or due to violations of the rules for posting content on the service, as well as if the copyright holder himself decided to remove the content." In some cases, content can be returned if you eliminate the reason for deletion or enter into a new agreement with the service. However, "if the content was removed at the request of government authorities, it cannot be downloaded again."

From January to September 2023, Yandex Music received 275 requests from government agencies to remove content from 305 links. A total of 4,333 pieces of content have been removed from the service since the beginning of the year. This is less than 0.0057% of the total Yandex Music catalog, which currently has 76 million music tracks.

The main reasons for removing certain content at the request of government agencies were the content of false information about the actions of state authorities and the Armed Forces of Russia, descriptions or propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations, and information about ways to commit suicide.

Among the reasons were also:
  • publication of materials that are considered extremist and promote extremist organizations and individuals who are extremists;
  • information expressing clear disrespect for the state, the Constitution, official state symbols of Russia and its president;
  • content describing how drugs are manufactured, used, or purchased;
  • pornographic descriptions of minors, justification of pedophilia;
  • information describing the killing of people or forming a positive attitude among minors towards causing intentional physical violence.
The service only considers requests from government agencies that were received through official channels and meet all formal and legal requirements. If the request for deletion does not meet the legal requirements, Yandex Music rejects it.