How to start from scratch to paint documents and paintings a la Picasso

Oct 14, 2023
We write "from scratch" it is indicated for a reason: you really do not need to master anything. “I never even thought to start painting,” you say. For some reason, you are sure that you will 100% want to play with this neuron! And then, who knows, maybe later it will really come in handy. If we didn't have such a cool designer, we would use this service completely.

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) draws illustrations for users. You make a rough sketch → the neuron turns it into candy! Done conscientiously: offers a lot of options, guesses exactly. It is clear that if you draw completely abstract game, then there will be little sense. But why draw abstract game? The base of objects is constantly replenished - if it did not grow together for the first time, there is a chance that later everything will work out.

It turns out that Will Smith's character in the film I, Robot was wrong: a robot can still turn a piece of canvas into a masterpiece of art. Well, okay, not quite a masterpiece ... Don't dig deeper ✌️
