How to find out who uploaded your documents or photos to the network

Oct 10, 2023
Imagine a situation: you send someone or upload to some service a document containing personal information, and then you find that it has leaked onto the network. How do you find the source of the leak?

As they say, trust, but verify. LeaksID (
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) is a service that allows you to mark confidential documents with invisible tags. In the event of a leak (even in the form of a screenshot or a printout), the service will analyze and calculate the source of the leak. You can use it as a simple online document converter, and receive a protected PDF with invisible marking at the output.

Additional goodies are document storage inside the platform and the ability to perform any necessary manipulations: download, view, print, share a link to a file. Supports all popular formats. Free (
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) for private users and paid for companies.