How to Convert USA fullz to Bitcoins Method 2023

Oct 17, 2023
USA FULLZ TO BTC GUIDE! This guide is just a very clever trick and it really isn't at all that complicated! What we are going to be doing is using a bitpay bank account which allows you to get bank deposits and then convert the funds into bitcoin instantly at the click of a button and then move them to any wallet you want instantly. You are going to be applying for personal loans on loan sites and using your bitpay bank account as the drop! When you get the money from the loan in 24-48 as soon as it hits your bitpay account it becomes bitcoin! It's really simple to do and really efficient way to turn fullz into bitcoin instantly and easily! Let's get started!

Get yourself some good high credit score fullz and buy then with background report and credit check and ID number. Multiple vendors for these. You are also going to need a good socks5 source. Use limeproxies or if you can luxsocks.

The first thing you need to do is setup your bitpay account.

Go to (using a socks5 close to your fullz) and sign up for one of their bitcoin debit cards. This will cost you 10$ in bitcoin, sign up using the same fullz you plan to use for the loan. They do not ask for any kind of identity verification you just put in the fullz and pay and they ship the card and activation takes 2 seconds. You will need this to be shipped to a drop (AND THE DROP MUST BE IN THE SAME STATE AS YOUR FULLZ SO WHEN BUYING YOUR FULLZ TO CASHOUT TAKE NOTE OF THIS), or use a reship service (yes they ship to them) or you can pay a drop service, and just have them send you a picture of the card (you don't need the card at all for this method whatsoever just the info on it to activate the account). Once you have the card info simply go to their website and put in the card info to activate your account. Now once that's done you're going to want to download their computer software. What this software does is gives you a literal bank account through a metropolitan bank in NewYork so the loan websites 100% like the bank and don't cancel your account like if you add a Netspend or some shit prepaid bank, and also a bitcoin wallet, along with the debit card you purchased thats linked. IF YOU USED A DROP SERVICE I SUGGEST FREEZING THE CARD IN THE CONTROL PANEL SINCE THE GUY COULD HAVE SAVED THE CARD INFO, YOU DONT NEED THE CARD ANYWAYS. Now, you're going to use this bank account info which can be found on the website in your panel on bitpay to sign up for the loan applications on the next step. How this is so sick is because bitpay lets you instantly convert any funds in your account to bitcoin at literally the click of 1 button and it takes 1 second. So say you fund this account with 10,000$ from multiple loan sites, the moment that it hits your account it becomes instant bitcoin that you can move to whatever wallet you choose! You click ONE button and in ONE second, you have 10,000$ in bitcoin you can move to where you please! Its pretty insane and works perfectly for these loans.

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This site offers the same thing as bitpay and works in the same way. I like them actually a bit better and have been using them alongside bitpay recently! The same steps apply as they would with bitpay and they basically offer the same thing conver the funds to bitcoin instantly! You just get your bank account and routing number from your panel!!!

Next step is applying for the loans. This is pretty straight forward. Connect to a good clean socks in the same location as the fullz your using and make sure you clean your pc with CC cleaner before doing anything. Once your connected go to and make sure it shows your location as what your socks is and make sure it does not say anything like "suspected proxy device" or "proxy device" or network sharing or any of that it should just say the ISP and IP address. That means it should be good to go. There are many other options for checking if your socks is clean as well but im assuming your not a total noob reading this and if you are add me on jabber and ill help more with this. Another thing I suggest is using TMAC to spoof your mac address and change the address to the same address and namee as your fullz.
Now you just wanna start applying for loans. I suggest you keep it at a max of 2000$ because you can get these without having to get a phone call and the deposits come in real fast, within 24-48 hours. The applying process is straight forward, you just fill in the fullz info, some sites will ask you to answer some questions, this is what the background report and credit report are. They get the questions literally from those things, so just look for the answers on there! I have found if you can get younger people with good credit scores, there questions are alot easier since there credit history isnt so serious! I will list sites below that I use for loans! How I do it is I apply for a loan and if it gets approved then ill apply for another one on another site, then ill wait for those funds to hit, and then ill apply on 2 more sites, etc, you can keep milking a really good fullz this way and your getting all bitcoin its crazy!!!!! If you are able to take phone calls you can do really big loans like 5k. And dont forget there are an insane amount of loan websites and if your fullz is high credit and your socks is good you can literally milk one fullz from tons of different sites for 2k and fill that bitpay account way the ***** up!