Hacking is an art form: how to learn how to hack systems and networks from scratch

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A hacker is a person who searches for and exploits vulnerabilities in computer systems and networks to achieve their goals. Hackers can be of different types: white, gray, or black hats. White hats are ethical hackers who help protect systems from attacks. Gray hats are hackers who break the law but do no harm. Black hats are malicious hackers who break into systems for profit or destruction.

To become a hacker, you need to have the following skills and knowledge::


Programming is the foundation of hacking. You must know at least one programming language, preferably several. Some of the most popular hacking languages are:
  • C is a low-level language that allows you to work with memory and CPU directly. You can use it to write exploits, bypass security, and create viruses.
  • Python is a high-level language that is great for writing scripts, automating tasks, and analyzing data. You can use it to create tools for scanning, fuzzing, and web hacking.
  • Perl is another high-level language that is often used for working with text and regular expressions. You can use it to parse data, create botnets, and create web shells.
  • PHP is a web application development language that is used on most websites. It can be used to find and exploit website vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection, XSS, and CSRF.
  • Assembly language is a low-level language that represents a set of instructions for the processor. You can use it to understand executable files, debug programs, and write shellcode.

Operating systems​

Operating systems are software that manages the operation of a computer and provides an interface for the user and applications. You should know the basic principles of operating systems, such as:
  • Architecture is the structure and organization of operating system components, such as the kernel, processes, threads, memory, file system, and drivers.
  • Security refers to mechanisms that protect the operating system from unauthorized access and attacks, such as authentication, authorization, encryption, digital signature, and auditing.
  • Utilities are programs that perform various functions to control and configure the operating system, such as the command line, editors, compilers, debuggers, and analyzers.
The most common operating system for hackers is Linux, which is open source, free, and multitasking. Linux has many distributions, among which there are specialized ones for hacking, such as Kali Linux, Parrot OS and BlackArch. You should learn how to work with Linux using the command line and GUI.


Networks are a communication system between computers and other devices that allows you to exchange data. You should know the basic concepts and terms of networking, such as:
  • The OSI model is a standard model that describes seven layers of network communication: physical, link, network, transport, session, representative, and application.
  • Protocols are a set of rules and formats for data exchange between devices on a network. The most well-known protocols are TCP / IP, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and DNS.
  • Addressing is a way to identify devices on a network. The most common types of addressing are IP addresses and MAC addresses.
  • Routing is the process of determining the path of data transmission between devices on a network. The main routing devices are routers and switches.
  • Filtering is the process of controlling access to data on a network. The main filtering devices are firewalls and proxy servers.
You should learn how to analyze network traffic using tools to intercept and modify data packets, such as Wireshark, Nmap, Metasploit, and Burp Suite.


Vulnerabilities are bugs or flaws in the software or configuration of a system or network that allow hackers to gain access to data or resources. You should know the main types and examples of vulnerabilities, such as:
  • A buffer overflow is a vulnerability that occurs when a program writes data outside of the allocated buffer in memory. This can lead to overwriting other data or code in memory and executing arbitrary commands by a hacker.
  • Code injection is a vulnerability that occurs when a program executes code from an untrusted source without verification. This can lead to the hacker executing arbitrary commands on the target system or database.
  • Request forgery is a vulnerability that occurs when a program executes requests on behalf of a user without their knowledge or consent. This may lead to data changes, privacy violations,or unwanted actions. The most common types of request forgery are CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) and DNS Rebinding.

Vulnerability detection and exploitation​

Vulnerability detection and exploitation is the process of finding and exploiting bugs or flaws in systems or networks to gain access to data or resources. You should know the basic methods and tools for detecting and exploiting vulnerabilities, such as:
  • Scanning is a method of actively searching for vulnerabilities in systems or networks using special programs that send requests and analyze responses. Scanning can be port-based, web-based, network services, databases, etc. Scanning helps you identify open ports, software versions, configurations, and potential vulnerabilities. Some of the most popular scanners are: Nmap, Nessus, Acunetix, and SQLmap.
  • Fuzzing is a method of finding vulnerabilities in systems or networks using special programs that send random or incorrect data and analyze the response. Fuzzing can be a black box, a white box, or a gray box, depending on how well the data structure is known. Fuzzing helps you identify buffer overflows, code injections, denial of service attacks, and other vulnerabilities. Some of the most popular fuzzers are: AFL, Peach, Burp Suite и Metasploit.
  • Exploits are programs or scripts that exploit vulnerabilities in systems or networks to execute arbitrary commands or gain access to data or resources. Exploits can be local or remote, depending on where the code is executed. Exploits help you gain privileges, bypass security, create feedback, and perform other actions. Some of the most popular exploits are Metasploit, Exploit-DB, CVE Details, and Shellcode.
You should learn how to use different methods and tools to detect and exploit vulnerabilities, depending on the target, system or network type, and access level.


Ethics is a set of rules and principles that govern the behavior of hackers in relation to systems, networks, data, and other people. You should know the basic ethical standards and laws that apply to hacking, such as:
  • Consent is permission to conduct hacking from the owner or administrator of a system or network. You must always get consent before you start hacking, otherwise you may violate the law or ethics.
  • The goal is the motive or reason why you conduct hacking. You should always have a legitimate or useful hacking goal, such as training, research, testing, or protection. You should not conduct hacking for profit, destruction, or harm.
  • Responsibility is the responsibility to bear the consequences for your actions during hacking. You must always be responsible for your actions and not cause damage to systems, networks, data, or other people. You should also report any vulnerabilities you find and help fix them.
You must learn to comply with ethical norms and laws that relate to hacking, and not abuse your skills and knowledge.


Hacking is a complex and interesting art that requires a lot of skills and knowledge. To become a hacker, you need to learn programming, operating systems, networks, vulnerabilities, and ethics. You also need to be creative, adaptive, and responsible. Hacking can be useful and fun if you do it right.