Good shoplifting manual

Oct 14, 2023

1. Introduction​

How many times have you picked up gum at the checkout? Often, I think. Did you have the skill to do more? If not, after reading this manual, it will be enough. This lesson has helped me out more than once, both when I had money and when I didn't have it. In general, you will be surprised how much money you can save by doing this on a regular basis.

When I traveled around work and travel USA, I didn't spend a penny of money getting new things every day, eating whatever I wanted and drinking whatever I wanted.
In Europe, this is not a problem at all, my friend brought me 3 sets of underwear from famous brands from the tour, and she had slightly less bad skills than me (she was caught a couple of times, I never).

2. Just want to list the basic rules of shoplifting that I have developed for myself:​

1. Do not take in stores nearby from your place of work/study/residence, and in general, where you often visit. Over time, you will find a convenient store where you can go 3 times a week and take out a couple of cans of caviar or slices of ham along with a bottle of soda.

2. Always look neat and as expensive as possible. There is an iPhone, a watch-great, go impressively into the store, talking on the phone, the guards immediately look at who comes in and then “Lead the target " if it arouses suspicion.

3. We only pay for third-party products in cash. Going into a store and just walking out with your pockets full usually doesn't work.

4. Don't use discount cards. Then you will just buy at this store, and they will show you a record from 3 months ago, where you take chocolate and put it in your pocket. This item applies in addition to the 1st one…

5. If possible, have with you an amount 5 times the amount you steal. The fact is that being caught is not so scary, it's scary not to have money to pay off. You will know that you have already taken 10 times more from this store than you will have to pay now. Who is being tried for theft? Alkans who sawed down a pipe next to the sidewalk or spizidil hatch, grandmothers who can not buy food for a poor pension, in general, anyone but those who are needed.

6. Start small. It doesn't matter if you are already a pro or not, take 1-2 units of goods in a new place, then as soon as you “feel” this place, you can and should fill your pockets.

7. Shoplifting is best done in the afternoon. The work routine drags out store employees, and everything becomes normal for them.

8. Never fuss, look around, always need to be a "gawker".

3. Psychology:​

We're not worried. Remember-excitement does not help, it distracts, interferes and adds risks, you can not soberly assess the situation, you just stick like a bitch. Consider that the item/product that you are taking already belongs to you, you just came for your own and make a small donation to the store, for example, buy a bottle of Cola.

Store employees – security guards, cashiers, and menchendizers. They don't give a fuck, the cashier is sitting late punching the goods, the security guard was standing/running back and forth throughout the day and his back and arm are quite sore from holding the radio. In general, the only ones who pose any danger are menchendizers, they spread out the goods in the hall and very often do not have a uniform, they are easily overlooked and this is a matter of experience and his attentiveness, he can inform the security guard instantly. Employees of the clothing store hall are a separate topic.

4. Types of protection against shoplifters:​

There are several basic types of tags on products, they are of different sizes and look different, but the essence remains the same at the moment of passing through the signal gate (one side is set to receive the signal, the other to transmit) the tag on the product (if it is not deformed, torn or demagnetized) changes the aplitude of the gate signal and starts to work. resonate, the system receives information, and the gate beeps. I'm an engineer by training and this is one of my research papers.

By the way, most of the gates that stores now put up are cheap, and Noname companies bought and brought from China. They emit unknown frequencies and are not certified by anyone. Why am I doing this? In addition to the fact that these frequencies directly affect the human body and health, the probability of cancer increases many times, and cashiers and security guards unknowingly work for days near high-power emitters. There are cases when people with pacemakers passed through the gate and died on the spot. Cases are rare only because there aren't many people with pacemakers.

Back to the placemarks.

Rfid tags


They like to stick this label anywhere and in any way, if you need to steal a product that is marked with this label, it is not necessary to tear it off, it is enough to damage it well. The fact is that this label can be difficult to peel off. The calculation is that when the product gets to the checkout feed, it will demagnetize. The ”heart" of this tag is located in the middle, just tear this tag in half or tear a serious piece – the tag will be neutralized, the antenna turns are broken and the chip or contacts may be affected, now it will not beep.


The same rfid tag, in my opinion, is more dangerous, without a knife or key, it can be problematic to tear it off. To tear off half of this is almost impossible.

It is especially important to feel clothes, the smaller ones are often attached inside the tags of clothing/shoes.

Magnetic tags


To remove magnetic tags, it is advisable to buy a neodymium magnet, sold on Aliexpress for$ 20 or something like that, buying this one, you become a god. This is what it looks like. Image search to help.


If you do not feel sorry for the item, you can tear off the label, but the item will be damaged, I do not recommend tearing it off from something more than a scarf.
Oct 14, 2023

5. Cameras​

75% of the cameras in stores are fake, not fake cameras at the checkout (suddenly a robbery or drunk, etc. plus capture the thief at the exit), and the main ones that shoot aisles and large halls. Cameras in the corners without the indicator light on are 100% fake. Receivers. These are data storage devices, or rather records from video surveillance. The biggest thing I've seen is a month of record retention. It's just not real anymore, it takes up a lot of memory, and it's very expensive. It is unnecessary and inefficient for anyone to record such volumes of information. Watching through monitors is quite a challenge, but if you multiply it by the number of cameras, it becomes completely ridiculous. It is rather an element of psychological pressure and the illusion of control. You don't need to steal while looking at the camera or under the camera... do it in the blind spot, on turns between rows, or with your back to the camera.

6. About mechanics​

I think everyone has seen all sorts of special jackets with secret pockets, which are taped inside with falga and screen the label, this is nonsense and unnecessary not comfortable clothes. Dress comfortably and neatly.

Let's just say that you already have enough knowledge to steal an imported chocolate bar and remove the label from it. It won't be difficult to put it in your pocket. Let's move on to larger issues.

We go in, take the basket, you can not take it. Fucking with a cart is a circus. We walk around the store calmly, first we choose what we have enough money for, it's not a pity to buy. After we approach the group of products that are NOT interesting to us, we start looking at this, that, put it in its place, now we approach the group of interesting ones, take 2 units of goods with one grip, hold it for a couple of seconds, as if we are looking at it, put 1 unit of goods in its place, quickly put the second one in the inner pocket of the jacket / jacket/jacket/back pocket of trousers/ winter-spring-autumn in the sleeve of the jacket armpit previously unbuttoned / underpants. This can be repeated several times, as long as there is somewhere to put it and it does not look like it is burning. If possible, erase barcodes and remove them as much as possible, so that you can't pass them through the checkout line in any case.

Small chips. The telphone trick is a cool thing. You put the crayons in your hand, then you take out the phone, stick in it or just talk, then you put everything in your pocket together, even if you fuck up, you will say, I'm sorry, I'm probably careless, I'll pay for it now. If you took the product from the shelf, then make it beautiful so that it was not visible. Restore the shelf to its original appearance, as if you didn't take anything, so the chance that they will find the missing item is reduced.

My favorite method. I have a bag like the one shown in the photo - for a laptop and documents. I walk with it thrown over my back. You can fill it quickly and imperceptibly, but still go out with a bag on your back, in your hands with a bottle of Cola – no suspicion.


At the entrance, you can not hide it, because I have a tablet there-sorry, I won't.

It is better not to take equipment, it is better not to take anything that is really well observed.

You can take it out in your hands just past the cash register. For example, we went to the store for 1 minute, quickly picked up what we wanted, and calmly walked past the queue at the checkout and headed for the exit. Very well so rolls with alcohol in the glass 0.7-1 l. If there is no label on the neck.

Oct 14, 2023

7. Types of stores​

1. Minimarket (1-2 cash registers), everything is simple in such markets very often there are not even security guards. Be sure to buy something, you can take out at least an elephant. There's nothing to be afraid of.

2. Supermarket (3-6 cash registers), as for me one of the most disgusting places, there are always a lot of people, staff who try to monitor the shelves, 1-2 security guards and cameras. You need to act quickly (went in, looked at, picked up,left), you can not buy anything except cigarettes at the checkout.

3. In hypermarkets (over 15 cash registers), you can and should buy and take at the same time, this is the most effective way. You buy your standard beach kit home, all according to the list, and slowly throw everything into your pockets/bag like I have. You can get more money than you buy from the list)

4. Clothing stores, I just want to say about an interesting feature, we go to the store with a medium-sized package, beautiful. We slowly measure shoes (bershka, pull & bear, etc.), put on new ones, old ones in a package and go out. Shoes usually don't have labels in these stores. We save good money) To take things, you need a magnet. Otherwise, you will wear a ragged one, do you need it?

8. What if you were caught?​

Go to the store without documents, or if you decide to hunt unplanned, do not show them to anyone in the store under any circumstances. Deny everything, fall for the fool that you got a call you put there and forgot, suffer from blackouts, etc ... God what an idiot I am! I forgot! Let me pay for it! You have to be an actor who wants to win an Oscar. Don't let yourself be held down by your hands. Show that you are the master of the situation here.

There are several outcomes here:

1. You just pay for what you wanted to take away.

2. You will pay in 2-3 times the amount and you will either be allowed to pick up this product or they will take both the money for it and the product itself.

3. They will say that you are a thief, they will want to take you to a room to take photos and record your data, search you, etc. If the security guard points to the pocket in which you have taken money when stopping, play! Play as someone who forgot and wants to pay. For the 3rd item. Don't agree! Insist that you forgot to pay for it. Let them call the police ( moreover, if it comes to the 3rd point, ask them to call themselves, pretend that they are violating your rights!)

- Do you feel like an ass? Run, you fool. Running out of the store security has no power over you. And the police aren't going to be too hard on your ass for what you stole." Plus you're smart(me), aren't you? You don't steal near your place of residence?

They don't have the right to accept you outside the store, so you can beat the fuckers if you can, when the garbage arrives, then the law is on your side. "I was walking down the street, someone attacked me, I defended myself and that was it." If they say that you have the product in your bag/pocket, etc., then you say that you bought it in another place. You don't have to carry the check with you.

If you admit that you were taken to the comorca, pretend that you know the laws, for administrative fines are not large. If you were beaten, held, or captured, indicate that you will remove the beatings, or if your clothes are torn – you will be paid. Load them so that they don't have to call the cops.

Security guards call cops only if the attacker is not able to pay, and most often they are constantly being cocksucked, because often the video is either not made in advance,or made with clumsy hands by the head of security. And according to the law, garbage can not be kept in the department for more than 2 hours without making a charge, and, by the way, that's why it's better to steal in the evening, since all the bosses of the house guards are already at 6-7 hours and the shift supervisor is in charge, who can only dial the superiors to formally report the caught thief. The boss will always give the go-ahead to pay off the thief. Absolutely in all stores, security guards have a so-called "obshchak", this is the money used by crooks to pay for stolen goods, which in turn also remains in the store. They keep this money and save it up in case of unsolved thefts, so as not to pay to the cash register out of their own pockets.

In general, the guards do not need to put the thief in jail, they have a different specifics of work, first let them steal, and then slam and replenish their "obshchak". Often you can notice an abnormal absence of guards in the department in which he rubbed 5 minutes before the theft, if this happens, then I strongly recommend throwing the stolen bespalev on the shelf and go to the exit, if they fix it empty, and even for the first time, then you need to go with the guard to the inspection room and when they are upset you can get fucked up on them and be sure to pay attention to the presence of a license from security guards, quite often people from the hinterland who have never seen a license in their eyes are recruited to the guard. And if there is a security officer without a license, at least one, and ideally if this is the one who detained you, then you can scare them with the license-granting service at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you can even call the garbage can and report a blatant case of lawlessness, so that the same service arrives and fucks off the entire shift in a checkerboard pattern the mane. But this is up to you.

All badges of such a plan are worn by unlicensed security guards, who can apply the maximum to any buyer or crook, so it is not to deny the vital-to give a whitefish, or a trifle for beer. This is where their powers end.

9. The law​

For Russia, the maximum administrative fee is 2500 rubles. No matter how much security forces press you, when the cops arrive, they'll listen to the guards, look at you, and most likely just offer to pay on the spot. For Ukraine, 160 UAH. Anything higher is criminal liability.

Personal items can only be searched by a police officer. Do not allow yourself to be taken to closets and utility rooms for inspection, they can throw more, and you will not prove anything. If they are detained, we say that it is not legal, and that they will be punished for it. If a private security company arrives, and it always does, then you send them to hell, too. They can only follow you with their eyes. In order for the PSC to call the mussars, they first need to call the senior, outline everything, and only then, with his consent, call until they arrive - this is exactly 40 minutes. You can be anywhere you want.

With a random request from the security guard to show the contents of the bag, you can argue and tell him that the frames did not work on the passage-go for a walk, Vasya. Will touch your hands delicately please do not crumple the suit, the three of us will block the way we scare the police, because this is an illegal retention and the rules of the store were not violated by you, and they go too far, after all, there are intimate things in the bag. Valid-100%, the main thing is not to get lost(let me remind you, if you were burned during the theft, you would be asked to go straight to the room, and then show the bag).

The guards themselves piss thieves, because every morning the shift supervisor tells them that we have no right to do anything at all, only call the garbage truck and follow the thief with our eyes, or go home.

10. For a change​

I also recommend buying a similar multitool / pliers, the size should be slightly larger than your fist and fit in your pocket without getting in the way, I always carry one with me, and I am not without pride to declare 4 stolen bicycles on my account. The lock on the cable breaks with 3 clicks, first we pick out the cable shell and then the cable cracks with a quick movement. We are going far,far away, I do not recommend selling immediately, arrange a repaint, buy more parts for example wheels and steering wheel with saddle, sell in half a year.