Fingerprinting: Who needs your fingerprints online?

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Browser fingerprinting is a method by which the websites you visit can identify you. It is mainly used to target ads to users, although it can also be used to protect websites and accounts from unauthorized access.

What are browser fingerprints?
Websites may use browser fingerprints to identify you. It works by running a script that looks at certain data that your browser sends to the site and compiles your profile as a user. It's called a fingerprint because, as with fingers, if you have enough data, you can make it completely unique.

Before moving on, let's clarify the terminology: the terms "browser fingerprint "and" device fingerprint " are often used interchangeably, but this is not entirely correct. A device's fingerprint or computer is information about the device collected through a browser or app.

A browser fingerprint is more specific and represents all the information collected through the browser. In addition to device information, it includes the following data:
  • browser name and version;
  • operating system;
  • browser language;
  • screen resolution, etc.
The site you visit can use this information to identify who you are and use this data to target ads.

How does fingerprinting work?
The list of data that can be used to narrow the profile is long, and the fingerprint algorithms are quite accurate.

For example, in 2016 study data from 81% of website visitors made up a unique profile.

This is done not only with passive data, such as browser type and screen resolution, but also with more active tools, including:
  • Canvas Fingerprinting: The fingerprinting script runs an invisible "canvas" on top of the website, which displays differently with the script depending on the type of graphics hardware you use. This is a way to determine your video card and drivers. WebGL fingerprinting uses a similar method.
  • Audio fingerprint: This type of script analyzes how audio is played on your computer. Small variations in tone can determine your audio driver.
  • Media Fingerprinting: This method detects the media drivers on your computer.
The trick of browser fingerprinting is not to find a single data point that tells the script who you are, but to find as much information as possible and aggregate it to form your profile.

However, fingerprinting is also used for security purposes. For example, your bank takes a fingerprint every time you log in to an online bank to make sure that you are who you are. This method triggers warnings when you log in from a different location or device.

Why do I need fingerprinting?
The main reason for creating a fingerprint is that ads can be more accurately targeted to users. By narrowing down the number of users, it is easier for the algorithm to determine which ads to show and which ones not, depending on the circumstances. If, for example, the algorithm detects that you are using an Android device, you will not see messages related to the iPhone.

- cookies can be compared to a browser, but even though they are designed for the same purpose, they work completely differently. is more like a tracking device - once it's on your computer, the site will know where you are and what you're doing. The browser's fingerprint is more static. It uses installed data about you and your device to determine exactly who you are, and notes when you visit the site, but it can't follow you.

- file, are of great value, although you can disable them. In addition, browsers are increasinglycookiesbecause of this data that third-party cookies collect and block them to prevent tracking of the user. A fingerprint is almost the opposite: since most of the data it transmits is vital for internet surfing, it is impossible to disable it. This is less revealing, but it is almost invisible — and it is almost impossible to turn it off.

How to protect yourself from fingerprinting?
Note that browser fingerprinting is almost impossible to avoid. There are ways to disable the transmission of some data by disablingJavaScriptor other browsers, such as the browser.

While fingerprints keep you safe, they also make most internet resources inaccessible to you. Most sites will not display without the information that fingerprint scripts collect.

Even using incognito mode orVPN 't prevent your browser from being fingerprinted. However, some browsers, includingMozilla, claim that they block fingerprinting. However, the browser's fingerprints are still taken and transmitted to the sites.