Elections of the future in Russia: will AI participate in pre-election campaigning according to the law?

Oct 10, 2023
Will the new bill allow the use of AI?

A group of State Duma deputies headed by Yaroslav Nilov and a senator from the LDPR faction registered draft law
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, which proposes to make amendments to existing legislation, in particular to the laws "On Basic Guarantees of electoral rights and the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a referendum" and "On Elections of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation".

The main change is the proposal to allow the use of images and voices created using artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in election campaigning. An important condition is to inform voters about the use of such technologies. The document does not specify the specific body that will regulate the use of AI in election campaigning.

In support of the bill, it is pointed out that "the bill will significantly reduce the costs of political parties during the pre-election campaign, since the use of such technical solutions [AI technologies] facilitates the process of obtaining relevant services, makes them operational and significantly reduces the cost of them."

Yaroslav Nilov in his comment stressed that every year participants in the electoral process face high costs for creating campaign materials, and AI technologies can become a solution to this problem.

"This is a considerable amount of money, and to optimize costs, you need to keep up with the times. For example, when preparing and conducting election campaigns, you can use artificial intelligence technologies," he explained.

Alexey Didenko, one of the authors of the project and a member of the Liberal Democratic Party, expressed the opinion that the use of AI in political activities requires state control. At the same time, another LDPR deputy, Vladimir Koshelev, believes that the state should actively regulate and at the same time encourage the use of AI in areas where it will be useful for people. He also added that the use of AI to consult on party programs or create campaign posters will not do any harm.