Oct 11, 2023

If you don't know what a botnet is, then this article probably won't be very useful to you. But if you have ever thought about raising your botnet, it will help you avoid stepping on the same rake that most people face. So, let's get started!


The botnet is always taken under the theme. You should never launch a botnet if you don't know what you need it for. Of course, you can say that in fact you will understand, because there will be a bank there. accounts, payment cards, cards and much more, and you can always use it. But the truth is that the botnet requires daily financial injections (we'll talk about them below), and every day of downtime means financial losses and further collapse of the entire botnet. Therefore, before you start organizing a botnet, save money and buy accounts from logs. It will be a little more expensive, but it will save a lot of time and money.

Let's say it will be PayPal + VNC. You found someone who will pour you a stick, bought some shares, successfully merged them, and decided to use the proceeds to raise a botnet so as not to depend on the seller. But take your time, find 3-5 sellers, and buy these accounts from them, see the traffic, calculate what data you need for a successful bay. It may be worth screwing up some kind of injection so that the passability of the bays increases. Structure all this information, and it will come in handy in the future.

And only when you are sure that these accounts bring you the desired income-then you can think about raising a botnet.


As I said above, the botnet eats money every day, so calculate everything, multiply by 2, and you can start organizing. But in addition to money, a botnet eats up a lot of time, and even if you are willing to devote 16 hours a day to it, it will still not be enough. Since a botnet is a whole system, you depend on many people (cryptors, trappers, hosters, coders, etc.), they all have different daily routines, and it's not always possible to work with everyone in one day, so often you will only do 20-30% of what you planned for a day.

In this regard, calculate in advance how much money you need for a normal life per month, this amount should be postponed in advance, since the first month you will only suffer and work on the botnet, so it is unlikely that you will have time to do other work, and you need to live on something.

Here is a sample list of expenses that you can expect:
  1. Trojan - buy a Trojan, look for several options at once, even despite the laudatory reviews, always keep several options.
  2. Crypt - here it is immediately better to find 3-4 people with different time zones, who will eventually be online for you 24/7. Don't rush to take a subscription, as you won't need it for the first couple of months - it won't work consistently. Stability will appear after 2-4 months of botnet ownership.
  3. Trappers - it is also better to have 2-3-5 people here, as traffic flows are often busy, and idle time is a waste of money and time.
  4. Bundles (exploits) - now (at the time of writing) this case is quite tight, but it's better to look for a couple of people anyway. For the first time, it is always better to rent daily, as you will not be able to buy stable traffic flows, and you will not need to spend extra money.
  5. Servers (hoster) - it all depends on the Trojan itself, what it needs, and its reliability. You should not look for the one that is cheaper, you should look for those who have been in business for the longest time and are the most stable. It is better to overpay a couple of hundred rubles, rather than then wonder why the server is lying and you lose money.
These are the main parameters and items of expenses that you will have to pay. I think you were already counting on all of this, and you're wondering, "What's new here, bro?"

Now I will try to give you some tips that you should immediately consider before buying everything.
  • First, since you bought accounts from logs, and if you followed my advice and took these accounts from several sellers, then start with these sellers. Find out who hosts them, who gets traffic from them, which troi they use, and so on. Any information is helpful. Start collecting lists, reading forum reviews, and monitoring the market. On average, it takes a week or a week and a half until you put everything together in one normal list. Do not rush to buy everything, just study it, and knock people in the toads, and ask what and how. For example, for trappers - what flows, the origin of traffic, the minimum amount, etc.

A small life hack, while you collect everything - follow the contact list, which of the added people is online when. Of course, you can just ask the person directly, but they can say one thing, and in fact it turns out that their grandmother is ill, etc., so there is no promised online service. And so, just watch and draw conclusions.
  • Second, when you've packed everything, you can't wait to get started. But don't rush it. The second stage, when you have collected the contacts of all of the above, found several Troys, etc. - you should think about additional monetization. Ideally, you should find a partner in the same country where you work. For example, find someone who can handle the bank. accounts, discuss what data they need, and so on. There should always be a fallback plan if your main topic comes up. If there are several such partners, it's better for you.
  • Third - and now you seem to have found everything, and are ready to buy, but again do not rush. Now you will have the most dreary stage, which everyone forgets about. Remember that I wrote above that all expenses should be multiplied by 2? So here's why: Before you buy, start testing Trojans.

For example, you have selected a list of 3 Trojans, now you need to decide which one is best for you. What should I test for? Short list from me:
  1. Works on all operating systems. Check how the Trojan behaves and taps on XP, Win2003, Win7, Win8, Win10. How it behaves on x32 and on x64. If the Trojan doesn't work on VMs, buy dediki. It doesn't work on dedics (and there are some) - buy a laptop and test it on it.
  2. Working with browsers. The same thing, test how it behaves in all browsers on all operating systems. Yes, this is a hemorrhoid, but it's better to do everything "on the beach" than to throw in the dough, and then be disappointed. At the same time, you don't need to listen to the author's reviews and assurances, you need to test it.
  3. The work of all modules, if there is VNC-test it, as well on all OSS. There is a grabber of data from some software - install this software and check it.
The checks will take about a week - for one Trojan (and I told you, save money for a month of life, because these time tests eat up a fucking cloud). If you have a partner, let's test for them, but not for you, but in parallel. One head is good, but two are better. It may have some bugs that you didn't notice.

It will not be superfluous to knock the animal that you are testing to your clients and talk with them about what bugs they have noticed, what nuances there are.

After you have tested everything, we move on to the second stage of the test.

Second stage:​

If the animal works confidently, and meets all the stated points , then you should definitely drive it on real traffic, and with real crypto. That is, you pay for a bundle for a day, buy a crypt. exe (after the crypt, be sure to test that the Trojan taps, and only then put it on progruz). This will test both cryptors and trappers.

What are we testing? Knock it out! Many people who bought Troy think that if a bundle has a break of 10%, then 100k traffic is drained on it - they will get 10k downloads.

The reality is that on average, the Trojan taps only 35-50 percent of the time. That is, with 100k traffic and 10 percent penetration , you will get a maximum of 5k bots, and this is a very good number.

By looking at the download in advance , you can predict what awaits you in the future, and what number of bots you can count on. Also, you should test the survivability here. Do not rush to part with the money for the Trojan until you see how many bots that have been knocked out are left after 72 hours. This is important, because even with a good knock - out, the survivability of bots may not be at all.

And so you will have to test each animal, and since often you will have to pay not only for traffic, but also for crypts, and most importantly - for the server on which the test version of the animal will stand, the money will only fly away in this way. But after a month of testing - you will have an idea of what awaits you, and what you can expect.

Some tips and tricks:​

  1. If the author of the animal refuses tests and refers to reviews, send it to the forest. Reviews don't mean shit until you've experienced it all yourself.
  2. The average lag for today is 35-40%, everything that is higher is already a truly good result.
  3. Don't rush to buy megaprivate for mega-money, even if it is recommended to you by someone with a reputation. All products that are suitable for 90% of carders in one way or another are sold on forums. If you need something specific - it is developed from scratch.
  4. Always do the test after the crypt. Even if a person crypts you 10-20-30 times already. One mistake from him - and a lot of money goes down the drain.
Oct 11, 2023

Ready-made botnet​

So, the tests are done, the necessary Trojan is found, the servers are paid, downloads are dripping, but still not so fabulous. Now I will tell you about a few more nuances that you will have to face.
  1. Fresh logs. When you buy accounts from a seller, of course you ask for an inactive account, so that the holder does not have time to burn anything. In the case of your own botnet , all your accounts will be active, as they have just arrived in the logs. Be sure to keep this in mind, and if inactive accounts are important to you, then it's better to continue buying them, and don't count on the botnet too much.
  2. Injections. I have often encountered the fact that beginners for some reason want to immediately buy a bunch of injections for literally EVERYTHING. Do you have any injections on ebay? Great, let's put it on! And I don't care what the fuck you don't need, for example. Remember that in addition to the fact that each injection needs to be tested many times before it is put into the botnet , it also needs to be monitored. Since incorrect operation of the injection can bury a bunch of bots. Therefore, put only those injections that you really need. And always (at least once a week) test them on virtual machines/dediks. So that they always work as they should.
  3. Selling botnet accounts. It is not uncommon for two partners to launch a botnet, and one of them, either out of boredom or out of need for money "for beer", starts selling accounts with logs on forums. Like - we still have a lot of logs, and we don't use 80% of our accounts, what good is there to lose, let me sell them, and use the money for traffic. The logic takes place, just keep in mind that let's say you sold some wellsfargo from the logs, and on the same bot there could be a fat paypal account on which you work. And now the buyer of Wells began to stir up something with acc, the holder burns it, understands that it is infected, and changes passwords everywhere, or rearranges the system, and that's it! The bot is dead! You earned$ 5 from the sale of your account, but lost the account from which you could have earned $ 500. Therefore, if you decide to sell accounts from logs in the future, then do it only from old bots that you no longer need. Ideally, you have worked on the botnet for 3-6 months, merged all the logs, moved to another server, start working on a clean server, but from the old logs you can safely sell everything you want.
  4. No matter how stable your botnet works, always look for new products. Of course, you should not do this immediately after the purchase, but after six months of work-think about another product, and start looking for options. Nothing lasts forever under the moon, and the author of your pet can disappear (they will plant, throw, swell). Ideally, allocate funds for the development of your product so that only you have it. On average, it takes 4-5 months to develop a product, using 3-5 coders. The average PO of an encoder is$ 1 - $ 2k, if we are talking about CIS coders. So it's not such a bad investment.