Cloudflare analysts are sounding the alarm: the volume of HTTP DDoS attacks increased by 65% in the third quarter of 2023

Oct 10, 2023
Attacks reach 200 million requests per second, and a new defense strategy is needed.

Cloudflare reports a sharp increase in the number of hypervolumetric HTTP DDoS attacks in the third quarter of 2023, exceeding the figures of all previous years. This indicates a new stage in the field of cybersecurity threats.

DDoS attacks are aimed at overloading servers hosting applications, websites, and online services with a large amount of "junk" traffic or a lot of false requests.

A report from Cloudflare indicates that in the third quarter of 2023, the company resisted thousands of hypervolumetric HTTP DDoS attacks. More than 89 such attacks exceeded the capacity of 100 million requests per second, while the largest reached 201 million requests, which is three times more than the previous record in February 2023.


Attackers use a relatively new attack method, called " HTTP/2 Rapid Reset ", which has been actively used since this August. Attacks using this technique are usually based on VM botnets ranging in size from 5 to 20 thousand nodes, as opposed to multi-million botnets on weak IoT devices.


According to Cloudflare, the last quarter saw a 65% increase in HTTP DDoS traffic and a 14% increase in L3/L4 DDoS attacks.


Among the main targets of DDoS attacks in this quarter are gaming and gambling resources, as well as IT and Internet services, cryptocurrencies, software and telecommunications.

However, application-level DDoS attacks primarily target mining companies, nonprofits, pharmaceutical companies, and the U.S. government.

Almost 5% of all HTTP DDoS traffic was directed at companies in the US, 3.1% - at firms in Singapore, and China is in third place with 2.2% of attacks.


Cloudflare also highlighted a number of new DDoS trends, including a 456% increase in mDNS attacks and a 387% increase in CoAP attacks.

Finally, Cloudflare reports a decrease in the number of ransomware DDoS attacks, and this is the second consecutive quarter.

DDoS attacks are constantly changing as attackers adapt and look for new ways to circumvent modern security mechanisms. An effective defense strategy requires a comprehensive, multi-layered approach to improve DDoS resilience.