Oct 14, 2023
What Is a Bank Statement, and How Do I Get One?
A bank statement is a summary of financial transactions that occurred at a certain institution during a specific time period. For example, a typical bank statement may show your deposits and withdrawals for a certain month. Bank statements allow you to check for errors, watch for suspicious activity, and track your spending. You may also need to submit a bank statement when you apply for a loan or mortgage.
By reviewing your bank statements, you’re working toward better financial health and taking control of your finances - putting you closer to reaching your financial goals.

What Shows up on a Bank Statement?
What’s included in a bank statement varies based on your financial institution. If you have a checking and savings account at one bank, you may see both in the same report.
Here’s what’s generally on a bank statement:
  • Account number
  • Home address
  • Statement period
  • Bank’s customer service number
  • How to report errors or fraudulent activity
  • Beginning balance for the time period
  • Deposits
  • Checks
  • Direct deposits
  • Electronic transfers
  • Canceled checks or payments
  • Reimbursements or credits
  • Withdrawals
  • Purchases and payments
  • Electronic transfers
  • ATM withdrawals
  • Auto payments
  • Fees charged by the bank
  • Interest or dividends earned
  • Ending balance for the time period
For each item, you’ll also see a transaction date and the payer or payee name.
Each statement covers a certain period, such as a financial quarter or one month, but it might not begin on the first day of the month. For instance, your statement might run from September 6 to October 5.
If you find any inaccuracies on your statement, you should report them to your financial institution. You usually have 60 days from the statement date to dispute any mistakes or errors. Typically, disputes are done in writing, so be sure to provide any supporting documentation you have. Your institution should work with you to resolve the errors and any fraudulent activity.

How Can I Get a Bank Statement?
Most banks provide statements every month, although some do it every quarter. Depending on your bank, you can access your statement online, in-app, or through the mail.

How to Access Your Bank Statements Online
Almost all banks and credit unions offer an option to view your bank statements online for free. The process varies from bank to bank, but here are some basic steps to follow.
  1. Log in to your account through the bank’s website or app.
  2. If you’ve never signed in online, you may have to create an account or call customer service.
  3. Find where your bank houses their electronic statements.
  4. Look under headings like “services,” “bank statements,” or “e-statements.”
  5. Select the statement period you want to view.
  6. Review the statement on your computer, tablet, or phone - or download your statement as a PDF.
  7. Save your bank statement in a secure location on your computer (if you wish), print it, or close out the screen.
  8. Log out of your bank account for security purposes.
While you’re logged in, you can adjust your account settings to “go paperless.” This means you’ll receive and review all statements online instead of getting them in the mail. Sometimes banks will offer a one-time bonus credit to your account for going paperless.

How to Get Paper Statements by Mail
When you sign up for an account, some banks automatically send you monthly statements by mail. Your mailed statements will be identical to what you can view online.
If you agree to go paperless, meaning you consent to receive electronic bank statements, banks still must provide a paper copy of your statement if you ask. To receive paper statements, first log on to your account through your bank’s website or app. Look under headings like “account settings” and “services” to find where you can request mailed statements. Some banks charge a fee for mailing your statements as it costs them time, printing, and postage.
If you’re unsure how to log in online, call your bank’s customer service number, which is often listed on your debit card. If your bank doesn’t offer a mailed option, download your statement online as a PDF and print it to get a physical copy.

How Long Do Banks Keep Records of Statements?
Under the Bank Security Act, banks must keep statements for up to five years - although some may keep them longer. If you’ve closed your account, the bank will still keep your records for at least five years. Why would you need a bank statement from the past? You may need to pull your records for a tax audit, litigation, divorce, or to apply for a loan.
You can often retrieve bank statements online for free for the last year or two. If you need to go back further than what’s available online, your bank might charge you for each statement. For instance, if you want a statement from four years ago, the bank could charge you $5 per statement. That’s why some people save their bank statements in case they need them in the future. If you no longer need your statements, be sure to shred them for security purposes.

What Can I Do with a Bank Statement?
Bank statements come in handy for a variety of reasons. From monitoring your spending to catching errors, bank statements are an easy-to-use financial tool.
Here are the main things you can do with a bank statement:
  • Gauge your spending: Review your bank statement monthly to keep a tab on your expenses.
  • Track your savings: Look at your beginning and ending balances over the course of a month or a quarter. Take note of how much you’re accumulating.
  • See how much interest you’re earning: If your bank or credit union gives you interest, see how much money it’s making you every month. Depending on what interest you earn, you may want to put some of your money in an investment account or money market to earn more.
  • Monitor your account balance: Reduce overdraft fees by ensuring you always have enough to pay for bills and ATM transactions.
  • Identify fraud: Review your statements regularly to help spot fraudulent activity, like someone using your debit card. Promptly contact your bank should you find any fraudulent transactions.
  • Catch banking errors: Banks sometimes make mistakes. Contact your bank if you suspect any errors, such as depositing in the wrong account or mischarging you.
  • Watch for mistakes: Say a waiter accidentally typed in $52 on a restaurant credit card machine when your bill was only $25. Make sure your bank account is free of errors, duplicate charges, and discrepancies.
  • Apply for a loan: Whether it’s a personal loan or mortgage, you may have to provide bank statements to your lender to prove your financial standing.
  • Rent an apartment: A landlord or rental agency might request to see your bank statements before signing a lease.
  • Refinance your home: Financial institutions may want to see several bank statements if you plan on refinancing your home.
  • File your tax return: You may need to reference your bank statement when you file your taxes.
  • Maintain records:Keep your statements in a safe place in case you need them in the future. You can download them on your computer or print them and place them in a secure file.
Oct 14, 2023
Bank statement - what is it for and how to get it
A bank statement is a document that reflects account movements for a certain period, as well as the final balance. We will tell our readers for what purposes a bank statement is taken, how to order it and what information can be obtained using this document.

  • Bank statement document
  • How do I get a bank statement?
  • Electronic bank statement
  • Bank statement on the organization's account
  • Features of document formation
  • Checking a bank statement
  • Doubts about electronic statements
  • Bank statement: sample
  • What information is indicated in the statement?
  • How does an accountant check and process statements?
  • Why is a bank statement issued for individuals

Bank statement document
The bank statement contains the following information:
  • The name of the bank and its correspondent account;
  • Full name of the client and his account number;
  • Account currency;
  • Movement on D-that and K-that and the total sums of crediting and writing off;
  • Information about contractors;
  • Balance at the beginning and end of the specified period.
Working with a bank statement is to view: where and in what volume the funds were transferred from the account, the size and sources of the credited amounts, and also find out the final balance.

This information is useful for such actions:
  • Account movements control;
  • Reports to tax and other regulatory authorities;
  • Visa processing and other purposes.

How do I get a bank statement?
There are several ways to get a bank statement. Can:
  • Contact a bank branch with a passport and card (agreement, passbook, etc.);
  • Receive a mini-statement by SMS;
  • Print it out at an ATM (usually shows the last 7-10 transactions);
  • Issue a statement online, through the Internet banking system;
  • Order the regular receipt of an electronic statement or a statement sent by mail.
In order to obtain more detailed information about the transactions performed - names of purchases, accrued commissions, addresses where payment was made - an extended bank statement is issued.

Electronic bank statement
If you are registered in the Internet Banking system, you can view and print an electronic account statement in your personal account using the “Statement” menu.
Regular electronic statements can also be received by email. To do this, you need to contact the bank with supporting documents. Such an extract is no different from a paper document. To certify it - to put the seal, signature and stamp of the bank - you need to contact the branch.

Bank statement on the organization's account
Information about transactions performed on the account is reflected in the statement. In other words, a bank statement on the organization's account enables the company's accountant to know the actual information about the state of the current account and see all movements on it. An employee of the company files a bank statement to the primary documents (payment order), according to which the funds were flowing through the account.
The statement reflects the movement of the company's own finances (income, expense).
A document is issued to an official employee of the enterprise by the bank's service personnel, sent by mail or electronically every day, unless other terms have been previously agreed upon by the parties.

Features of document formation
Statements in most cases are issued the next day after the movement of money through the organization's bank account. The features of the formation of the document are important - these are two columns in which debit and credit are reflected. The first reflects the funds debited from the account, the second - those made to the crediting account.
The company's account in a credit institution is a settlement account, in other words, the bank stores money belonging to the client on it. Considering the debtor, the financial institution displays the account balance as accounts payable. Due to the fact that the company's account for the bank is passive, the balance of funds is displayed in the loan statement. The funds written off from the organization's account reduce the debt of the credit institution, so the debt to the client becomes less. For the organization, everything is exactly the opposite.

Checking a bank statement
Financial documents are processed and bank statements are checked on the day they are received by the company's accountant.
The duties of the accounting department of a company or enterprise include:
  • check and attach all supporting documents for the statement of crediting and debiting funds;
  • check all the records in the statement with the primary documents. If inconsistencies and discrepancies are found in the documents, the accountant is obliged to urgently contact the employee of the banking institution;
  • in the right field of the statement, the accountant puts down the account codes. They are put in front of the corresponding amounts;
The actions of the accountant help to control the funds of the enterprise, generate information for the auditing authorities, bring documents to a finished form before their final archiving.

Doubts about electronic statements
Accountants working at enterprises that have implemented an electronic document management system ("Accounting 1C", "Client-Bank") have doubts about electronic statements, how they should be stored correctly and whether they should be printed.
There are no regulatory documents that would directly allow or prohibit the storage of electronic statements in PDF format, so the situation becomes somewhat more complicated. At the same time, the rule of Article 9 of the Federal Law No. 129 is in effect, according to which the enterprise is obliged, upon the request of the inspection bodies or another authorized person, to produce at its own expense and submit the primary documents in electronic form.
Many banks, after switching to the Internet service system, refuse to issue the required statements, offering customers to independently print and certify documents as needed.

Bank statement: sample
If the company independently maintains more modern financial accounting, then it would be correct to install an electronic bank for its convenience. The accountant will personally be able to monitor all the movements of funds in the accounts of the reporting enterprise, while the bank statement can be easily printed independently at any time without interruption from work.
To fill in such a form manually, a standard bank statement is suitable: the sample can be downloaded on the Internet, opened in the Excel editor and already there make the necessary edits. The main thing is that the document contains the necessary information.

What information is indicated in the statement?
Bank statements may look slightly different because they are printed using different techniques. It is more important to find out what information is indicated in the statement.
  • "Posting date" - the date of the transaction on the client's account;
  • “Beneficiary's account” - the beneficiary's current account number;
  • "VO" - type of financial transaction;
  • "Nom. doc. Bank "- incoming document number;
  • "Nom. doc. Client "- No. of the payment document;
  • "BIC of Corr Bank" - BIK of the beneficiary's bank;
  • “Corr. Account "- the correspondent account of the bank;
  • Payer's account - payer's account number;
  • "Debit" (client's arrival);
  • "Credit" (customer expense).

How does an accountant check and process statements?
Only an employee of the company officially authorized for this can receive a bank statement. The list of such persons is compiled by the head of the organization and the chief accountant. Usually the accounting staff handles the financial documents.
How does an accountant check and process statements? The employee receives bank statements, checks the accompanying documents, comparing the amounts and dates. In case of discrepancy in the information, the employee is obliged to urgently contact the bank. Some accountants, for their own convenience, when checking the statement, mark in the fields of the document the offsetting accounts, which will be useful for posting. On the same day, it is necessary to make verified statements in the system of the movement of funds in the enterprise. By applying the “double entry” rule, the accountant can post each transaction in such a simple way.

Why is a bank statement issued for individuals
A bank statement is sometimes necessary for individuals. Why is a bank statement issued for individuals and when is it needed?
  • When closing a loan agreement, such a document is a confirmation that the borrower has fulfilled his obligations to the bank.
  • An extract will come in handy when considering a loan case in a court for overdue debt. The document reflects all withheld interest, fines and payments. If you bring the loan agreement and the statement, you can get a recommended letter, which the court sometimes takes into account and this will help to write off fines and penalties.
  • An account statement is required when obtaining a visa, confirms the person's ability to pay.
An account statement helps keep track of the finances on a debit card.