Atlassian warned about possible loss of user data

Oct 14, 2023
And called for updating the firmware to avoid this.

Atlassian has warned about a critical vulnerability in Confluence Data Center and Server products that allows an unauthorized attacker to gain access to data.

The incorrect authorization vulnerability CVE-2023-22518 (CVSS: 9.1) affects all versions of Confluence Data Center and Server, and is fixed in the following versions:
  • 19.7.16 or later;
  • 8.3.4 or later;
  • 8.4.4 or later;
  • 8.5.3 or later;
  • 8.6.1 or later.
Atlassian emphasized that user privacy will not be affected, since an attacker will not be able to steal any instance data. No other details about the vulnerability and the exact method of exploitation were disclosed, probably because it could allow cybercriminals to develop an exploit. It is noted that at the moment there are no reports of active operation of the error.

Atlassian also encourages customers to take immediate steps to protect their instances, recommending that those instances that are available online be disabled until the fix is applied. Moreover, users who use unsupported versions are advised to upgrade to a fixed version.

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