An FSB officer is being investigated for stealing "hundreds of millions"of cryptocurrencies from a Russian citizen

Oct 14, 2023
An employee of the Department of the Federal Security Service (FSB) in the Samara region is suspected of stealing cryptocurrency from a cybercriminal, VolgaNews writes with reference to official representatives of the Federal Security Service of the Samara Region. He estimated the damage caused to the hacker at "hundreds of millions of rubles."

According to the preliminary version of the specialists leading the investigation, an employee of the FSB, now a former employee, named Demin (the name is kept secret in the interests of the investigation) participated in the disclosure of cybercrime. The suspect in this case was a resident of Syzran (Samara region) with the surname Mochalov.

FSB officers paid Mochalov a visit to document information about the crime. After some time, Mochalov wrote a statement about the loss of his cryptocurrency, which allegedly occurred after the appearance of security forces on his doorstep. According to him, hundreds of millions of rubles have disappeared.

Investigation within the scope of the investigation

Mochalov's statement was the reason for the start of a new trial, in which the Main Military Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia took part. After some time, all the cryptocurrency stolen from Mochalov mysteriously returned, but the investigation was decided not to stop.

To further clarify all the circumstances of the incident, Demin was sent to Moscow. Together with him, the case was also transferred, in which he personally, and not Mochalov, was considered a suspect.

At the time of publication of the material, the investigation into the Demin case continued. A verdict was not issued on it – the former FSB officer remains a suspect for the time being.

The hacker turned out to be genuine

While the investigation finds out the circumstances of Demin's involvement in the theft of cryptocurrency, the investigation of the Mochalov case has come to its logical conclusion. He really turned out to be a cybercriminal – the Syzran City Court came to this conclusion, finding him guilty of distributing malicious programs.

According to the court's decision, Mochalov used malvari to gain access to certain" objects of the information structure " of Russia. He was sentenced on October 29, 2021. For his crimes in the legal space, Mochalov received a year of very real restriction of freedom.

How Russian security forces illegally mine cryptocurrency

The case of Demin is not the only one when employees of the Russian security forces dishonestly replenished the balance of their crypto-wallets. In December 2021, the captain of the Saratov police, now a former employee of the REO traffic Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Sergey Tokarev, lost his position.

He was fired for mining cryptocurrencies in the workplace. This was first reported in early October 2021.

Tokarev mined virtual money using an office space in a building owned by the police, where he placed the necessary equipment for mining. Tokarev had "additional earnings" in the period from February to July 2021. His secret was revealed after the traffic police department received huge electricity bills.

A criminal case was opened against Tokarev, but he did not go to prison. According to the court's decision, the policeman was charged with violating Part 1 of Article 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (abuse of official authority). The convict got off only with a fine of 30 thousand rubles. and deprivation of the right to hold public service positions in the Russian law enforcement system related to the exercise of the functions of a government representative, for a period of two years.

Former FSB officers Alexey Kolbov and Sergey Belousov were also involved in Cryptopromysl. But if Tokarev preferred peaceful mining, then Kolbov and Belousov chose token mining in the style of the 90s of the XX century. As reported by CNews, they extorted tens of millions of rubles in bitcoins from the former head of the Izvestia publishing house Erast Galumov, threatening to "sew up" his case and put his son on the international wanted list. Both Belousov and Kolbov were dismissed from internal affairs and found themselves in the dock. In February 2021, the state Prosecution requested 10 and 13 years in prison, respectively.


Dmitry Demin, a former employee of the FSB department for the Samara Region, pleaded guilty to stealing bitcoins worth 187.4 million rubles from a hacker under investigation from Syzran.

The ex-officer offered the Main Military Prosecutor's Office to testify against the accomplices of the theft and concluded a pre-trial cooperation agreement with it. However, the garrison military court in Moscow did not release Demin under house arrest. His term of detention in the pre-trial detention center was extended until December 1 of this year.

The reason for the extension of the term was the fear that under house arrest Dmitry Demin will collude with accomplices and continue to engage in criminal activities. According to Demin himself, since April he has not worked for the FSB, and "he is not going to run away from his three children who are waiting for him in the Samara region."

In February 2022, a criminal case was opened against Demin. According to investigators, an employee of the law enforcement agency in 2021 participated in the disclosure of cybercrime. The suspect was a resident of Syzran Mochalov, who used a special program to hack computers and steal personal data. During the investigation, Mochalov voluntarily provided the security forces with passwords and revealed the principles of the system's operation. With their help, the lieutenant colonel and his assistants stole cryptocurrency in the period from April 18 to December 7.

In October 2021, the Syzran City Court found Mochalov guilty of distributing malicious computer programs and sentenced him to one year of restriction of freedom.


Ex-employee of the Samara regional FSB Maxim Zhizhkun convicted of fraud

The Samara military garrison court sentenced the former operative of the Syzran department of the Federal Security Service for the Samara region Maxim Zhizhkun, he was found guilty of embezzlement of a total of 25 million rubles. a hacker who was under investigation. Kommersant's information was confirmed by the court's press service. As the investigators found out, Maksim Zhizhkun promised to "hide" the money from the security forces and criminal groups, but instead appropriated the property for himself. The ex-security officer was sentenced to 5 years in prison with a fine of 500 thousand rubles and a ban on holding certain positions for two years. In addition, the convict was deprived of the military rank of "reserve captain".

Former operative of the Syzran department of the Federal Security Service of the Samara region Maxim Zhizhkun was found guilty of fraud for embezzlement of a total of 25 million rubles. from a hacker (Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The decision was made by the Samara Garrison military Court. According to investigators, in 2021 Maxim Zhizhkun promised hacker Anton Mochalov, who was then under investigation, to "hide" money from the security forces and criminal communities. The employee of the special service was given $100 thousand, €170 thousand and 2 million rubles, which the security officer eventually stole "by deception and abuse of trust, using his official position." In addition, Mochalov, according to investigators, lost 68 bitcoins totaling 187 million rubles. Dmitry Demin, a former employee of the regional FSB Department, was suspected of stealing cryptocurrencies, and he was detained and sent under arrest. According to the investigation, Lieutenant Colonel Demin held the position of deputy head of the department — head of the regional FSB department during the commission of the crime.The case against Demin is now being considered in the same court. The chekist fully admitted his guilt and offered the Main Military Prosecutor's Office, which controls the investigation, to give evidence against the accomplices of the fraud. As a result, the GVP concluded a pre-trial cooperation agreement with the chekist under investigation, but the 235th garrison military court in Moscow refused to release the security officer, extending his preventive measure in the form of arrest.

According to Kommersant, we are talking about a hacker from Syzran, who used a special program to break into the protection of other people's computers and steal, among other things, passwords to provide access to electronic wallets and other means of payment. After the arrest, the hacker, according to his testimony, voluntarily provided the security officers with passwords, explaining how the system works. The hacker himself was found guilty by the court of committing a crime under Article 273 ("Creation, use and distribution of malicious computer programs") of the Criminal Code, having received one year of restriction of freedom.
Oct 14, 2023
A criminal case against Zhizhkun was initiated by the Main Military Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia on October 27, 2022. Maksim Zhizhkun was detained on October 28 in Samara. On the same day, the detainee was charged under Article 159 Part 4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. On October 31, the court chose a preventive measure in the form of house arrest, which was later extended. As stated in the court's decision (available to the editorial board), the court took into account the submitted "information and materials of the 3rd service of the 9th Department of the Federal Security Service of Russia", according to which Maxim Zhizhkun has "extensive connections among law enforcement agencies, state authorities and management, and therefore, while at large, can persuade witnesses." to refuse to give evidence or change it in their favor by exerting pressure on them, to take measures to destroy, falsify or conceal evidence, as well as to hide from the investigation." The Samara Military Garrison Court received the materials of the criminal case in March of this year. The case was considered by Judge Eduard Abramov. The court sentenced Zhizhkun to five years of imprisonment in a general regime penal colony with a fine of 500 thousand rubles. and a ban on holding certain positions for two years. The convict was also deprived of the military rank of "reserve captain". According to the court's website, Maksim Zhizhkun's defense lawyer was Yevgeny Yeliseyev, but Kommersant's lawyer could not be reached.


The court returned the criminal case against Lieutenant Colonel of the Samara FSB Dmitry Demin.

The Samara garrison military Court returned to the prosecutor's office a criminal case against Lieutenant Colonel of the FSB Dmitry Demin, accused of stealing 68 bitcoins in 2021 from hacker Anton Mochalov, who was under investigation. Information about this "Kommersant-Volga" was confirmed in the Samara garrison military Court.

The silovik was charged with three articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: Part 4 of Article 272 (Illegal access to computer information), paragraph "b" of Part 4 of Article 158 (Theft), Part 1 of Article 286 (Abuse of official authority). The judge considered that the defendant's act should be qualified as a more serious crime.

According to Kommersant, we are talking about a hacker from Syzran, who broke into the protection of other people's computers and stole, among other things, passwords to provide access to electronic wallets. After the arrest, the hacker, according to his testimony, voluntarily provided the security officers with passwords, explaining how the system works. The hacker himself was found guilty by the court of committing a crime under Article 273 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Creation, use and distribution of malicious computer programs), and was sentenced to a year of restriction of freedom.

In August of this year, the court sentenced the former operative of the Syzran department of the Federal Security Service for the Samara region Maxim Zhizhkun, he was found guilty of embezzling a total of 25 million rubles from the same hacker.