A selection of neural networks for photo processing!

Oct 14, 2023
Good day! Today we have prepared for you a selection of useful services for working with visual content. Often, services can even replace heavy photo editors in some tasks.

Let's go!

1. Clipdrop →
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← service will allow you to "copy" an object from real life. We photograph the subject, and the application itself will crop the background and insert the image into any photo editor.
2. TheInPaint →
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← allows you to remove watermarks from photos. Works best on simple objects, but can compete with complex ones.
3. DeepImage →
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← free online service that can significantly improve image quality and remove noise using AI.
4. InPainting →
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← a service from Nvidia that can discreetly remove unnecessary objects from a photo. No Photoshop skills required.
5. RemoveBg →
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← another service that allows you to easily and easily remove the background from photos.