A little bit about bank accounts

Oct 10, 2023
Most BA's (Bank Accounts) are sold without online access: the password, login, number account and routing number are known. Despite the well-known login and pass, you will not be able to log in online. The bank will ask secret questions. Accordingly, the second type of AD on sale is with online access, i.e. with known answers. Plus, sometimes they sell with access to the mail of the holder(the legal owner of the BA), if you find such a BA, grab it, such accounts do not stay in stores for a long time, they are bought up very quickly.

What can I do with the first type of acc? Only merge through offices that support ACH payments.

ACH is a technology where you trust the company to take money from your account balance.

For example, PayPal and Skrill work like this. You verify the BA with the indication of two micro-deposits, they are withdrawn from the account within a couple of days.

Then you specify them in the office, and the BA is linked. You ask micro-deposits either from the seller to look (he uses his checker somtrit), or through special offices. Such BA are cheap, it is not easy to drain them, in the sense that it is difficult to withdraw a serious amount.

There is an unspoken rule that you can merge 5-7% of the account balance, but not only the amount you want to withdraw plays a role, but also the average amount of other payments that the holder(the legal owner of the BA) makes. That is, if you have access to online, you can view its transactions and adjust to them. This is not necessarily the case, but nevertheless, if the holder made transfers for 100 bucks, and then immediately try to transfer 2000, then it is quite possible that the holder will call to make sure. But this does not apply to ACH - these are automated payments (it also largely depends on the office).

As for PayPal-fresh self-reg is difficult to deposit a serious amount without pumping (99 bucks can be withdrawn, more is unlikely to work).

Bottom line, accounts without online access can only be linked to offices, nothing else.

BA with online access is already more interesting, here you can view the transaction history of the holder, you can adjust to the date of the next report (monthly report). It is best to make all transactions in the first days after the report. So that Holder doesn't notice anything.

You can also see if his email and phone alerts are enabled. This is rare in the US, but some have them enabled.

What transfers from an online bank are generally possible?:

1. wire - international

International air transfer is a transfer to any place in the world to any account. It is characterized by the fact that if it is sent, it can only be opened with the consent of the receiving bank. Therefore, there is almost no free wire transfer from online.

There is a D city, but no one will sell such BA.

2. p2p person to person in USA (USA-USA)

As a rule, they are all made automatically via Popmoney, you specify the details of the person to whom you want to make the transfer. The scheme is used, but you can still work on it. Another thing is whether it makes sense to work on this scheme when it is already dying, while there are schemes with BA that will bring more profit.

3. bill pay

Now many people work through it. Through Bill Pay, you can pay legal entities that are again in the US. Also, in some banks, you can also transfer money to an individual's account. You can send the payment via Popmoney. Let's just say:

in favor of physical persons. You can make a completely hassle-free transfer up to $ 300, but I recommend up to $ 200. For reliability, anything higher is already 50/50.

If you attach a BA to the office instantly using your username and password, then it can see the name of who the BA is issued for. I.e., it is also desirable to register an account in the office in this name, and if through mini-departments. As I eventually realized, pouring on your self-registers is not very profitable, because it happens that when you transfer an amount from $ 1000 to a freshly saved ACC, and it is drained from it in a day or two, the acc can go to the limit, and then you can unlock it without a personal presence. As a result, it may turn out that the BA has$ 4000, and you were able to draw$1000 from it.

And if you do deposit over the phone, how much is better?

If it is over the phone, then this again depends to some extent on what transactions are generally made on this account. If there are transfers for $ 1000-2000 in the order of things, then you can safely send the same amount(even without a phone). And if it's all for $ 100, then it's better to start with smaller transactions. $ 400-600.

But this all fits into the overall picture, which is as follows:

If the balance on accounts is $ 1000-3000, then you are unlikely to transfer$ 1000 from it in one transaction, since this is almost the entire balance. For transfers of $ 2000, it is better to take fat shares, so that it is not more than 5% of the total balance.

And again, here, as with SS, much depends on the used bank. Chase, boa, Wells use everything, it is difficult to withdraw serious amounts from them (that's why they cost pennies).

In BA, you can log in online from any state, even if the SSH will be cleaner, but this does not matter. The browser should be normal, no TOR.

Bottom line: starting your career in carding with a BA is not the best idea. This is quite a complex process. Yes, with a BA, you can pump out a lot of money, at $ 2000-3000 per week. But there are areas that are much easier, such as driving in CC. That's the best place to start.