A counterintelligence investigation was conducted in the Flint case

Oct 14, 2023
The court found that the hacker could not simultaneously serve the FSB.

As it became known to Kommersant, the 2nd Western District Military Court found no errors in the materials of a high-profile criminal case against a group of alleged cyber scammers led by Alexey Stroganov (Flint) and instructed the 235th garrison Military Court to consider it on its merits. Earlier, just because of mistakes, the case was returned to the prosecutor's office, which approved the charge. The defense of the defendants still believes that the Ministry of Internal Affairs probably had no right to investigate the bank card scams committed, since one of the accused was an active FSB employee.

As one of the lawyers involved in the criminal case explained to Kommersant, about a month ago, the defense of alleged cyber fraudsters managed to get the criminal case investigated by the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation to be returned to the Prosecutor General to eliminate the shortcomings that prevent its consideration on the merits. The lawyers drew the attention of the 235th Garrison Military Court to the special status of one of the accused, Igor Voroshilov, who at the time of the alleged crimes was an active employee of the Military counterintelligence Department of the FSB of the Russian Federation. The criminal case against the serviceman Voroshilov, according to the defense, could only be investigated by the military investigative unit of the TFR, and the garrison court agreed with the lawyers.

However, the decision of the court of first instance did not suit the prosecutors.

According to the supervisory authority, Major Voroshilov committed the crimes incriminated to him in his spare time, and in general, the alleged fraud with bank cards did not overlap with the activities of military counterintelligence.

Thus, the police could well investigate absolutely "civil" scams. The prosecutor's office stated this in its appeal submission to the district court and this time was successful. The second instance sent the materials of the criminal case to the garrison court with a request to consider it on its merits.