Oct 13, 2023
1. What is merch and what is it used for (briefly)
2. Preparing for registration in merch. Required information
3. Actually the registration itself, some nuances
4. Driving secrets for the life span of a merch
5. The actual withdrawal and payment of merch

1. What is merch (merchant) and what is it used for (briefly)

Merchant account – an account for accepting payments via bank cards.

For example, an individual or legal entity registers in a merchant account to open an account, which is then used to accept payments on the Internet.

In the US, a merchant account can be opened by absolutely any citizen for some time. If, of course, he has the necessary documents for this.

Offices that open merchants dofiga and more, some ask for docks, some do not ask. There is a huge competition between them and in principle it is a whole business.

I won't write much about the merchant. If you really need it, Google it. If you don't know how to Google, then you don't know how to do anything!

2. Preparing for registration in merch. Required information.

Here the most dreary part begins...

Let's say an inconspicuous, cute merchant account registration office with good conditions

That's all well and good, but we can just sign up and turn sss into naalichnye ones!

To do this, we first need a continuous drop - and this is probably the most necessary thing in creating a merch. The drop should be in the course of everything, it should not work. His main job is to withdraw money from his card or bank account on a daily basis.

Information required from the drop: Beneficiary Name, Bank Name, ABA/Routing Number, Account Number, Account Type, Bank address, Beneficiary address, TaxID, SSN number, Day of birth, Credit card info, Cell Phone, Driver license.

Drop should be in the course of everything, because this is your money! It is better not to be greedy with the Percentage, give 25% freely.

Ideally, the drop should buy a SIM card and redirect it to your Skype-in number. Also, the domain and hosting of your future site must be registered for dropa. Send him the money, let him register everything himself.

Let's say everything is available for the drop. We create a light website, you can even use the public engine with user registration. Now we come up with a product or products that cost $ 9-14(for example, electronic books).

On the site itself, we must indicate prices, indicate the phone number of permanent support on the main page(sim card drop with forwarding to Skype-in). We must have Skype with unlimited access by state.

3. Actually the registration itself, some nuances

Everything seems to be ready. Now we buy a dedic, or even better, legally let the drop buy a remote computer and register with the merchant from it. Puts an electronic signature and all that.

They immediately tie up a personal manager who will accompany them remotely essno. Ideally, the drop registers everything itself under your clear guidance. After a few days, your site is checked, allowed, they don't see Frouda, and they give you a merch account. Froude will not be seen, because everything is clean and clear.

Within a few days, they will check the drop's acc bank for validity, similarity of names, etc. So everything should be clean, I repeat.

You should have an active dialogue with your manager, both by phone and in correspondence. This will speed up the solution to many questions.

I also advise you to register the merchant in the middle of the month, because the payment for it, namely, no more than 150 Yandex units per month and a small % of purchases you will pay either at the end of the month, or in the first days. Ie, calculate so that 2 weeks to work.

We were registered with the merchant, given a login pass, and so on. Personal marchant account number, etc. Now we need a gateway-this is the processing itself, which will make it easier for you to work with the merchant. That is, they will process payments themselves, withdraw drops to the card, etc. Take for example, registered, connected everything, and specified the merch number.

Congratulations! You have a full merchant account with a gateway that can accept payments.

4. Driving secrets for the life span of a merch

So, we have everything ready, merchant, gateway, drop on the lookout))) everything is as it should be! You don't need to embed the payment in the site itself. We will drive directly from the gateway as an order processing manager.

We buy the ss database without cvv. Yes, yes, exactly without the code. We check for valid, because in the merchant store do not drive invalid, then there will be a lot of questions and they can close the shop.

For the first two test weeks, you drive in no more than 300-400 dollars a day.

Amounts from $ 9 to $ 14. I'll explain why - in many banks in the United States, cardholders are charged$ 25 for chargeback. that is, they complained that 10 bucks were lost, they will be refunded, but already minus 15%. ))

But this is not such a joy. There are also finished people who will strangle themselves for a couple of cents and push homeless passers-by without giving them a couple of bucks to check...Well, this is a separate topic, I think my thoughts caught on.

So that's why we need a Skype caller! When a disgruntled cardholder first calls the bank, the bank sends them to our number, which is listed on the website and registered in merch. He calls, suport takes the call, tells him what he bought and that so and so let him look at the site. Many people say-okay, thank you! And many people ask for loot back! To do this, the gateway caller will have a refund function, which they will use to give these couple of bucks to cardholders.

Oh yeah, got the gist? Yes, everything is clear! 50% do not notice such an amount, 25% clogs the bolt, 15% will accept and 10% of refunds.

Well, here's what, sobsna, the main secrets of driving.

5. The actual withdrawal and payment of merch

Withdrawal is usually made to the holder's SS every day. This is his main job, he pours it, sends it to you, but you spend it on the call, the caller, etc.

You agree with the drop all the conditions that it gets 25% and pays all the costs of the merch and gateway.

He will certainly agree, because after the first two test weeks, the daily profit from one merch is several thousand dollars, which can not please.

It is best that the drop sends money to the bank-acci of people who, in turn, wash it all for a couple of percent and deliver it to you on the same day by any possible means.

Fortunately, there are such services.

The main thing is to automate everything and fix everything. But you can not throw, because the merch may be covered.